Meteo-hydro risk. Alert
In this section you can find the vigilance Bulletin and the Bulletin of national hydrogeological and hydraulic criticalities. They allow to check whether in your current location or in the place where you are directed there will be criticalities/warnings related to weather-hydrogeological and hydraulic phenomena. Through the Radar platform you can also view satellite and sensed data from the national radar network, rain gauge and thermometer stations, and lightning recording network.

Weather forecasts for civil protection purposes differs from the classic "weather forecasts". They highlight potentially harmful situations to people or things. Department and Regions elaborate previsions daily summarized in the National Weather Vigilance Bulletin.
On the basis of the forecast weather events, each Region and Autonomous Province assess critical hydraulic and hydrogeological situations (flooding, landslides, floods...) that could affect their territory. These assessments converge into the Bulletin of national hydrogeological and hydraulic criticalities daily produced by the Department. Consequently, Regions and Autonomous Provinces have to issue alerts for the local civil protection systems, while mayors have the responsibility to activate emergency plans, inform citizens about risk situations and decide the measures necessary to protect the population.