{"componentChunkName":"component---src-templates-approfondimento-template-en-jsx","path":"/en/meteo-hydro/events/","result":{"data":{"node":{"drupal_internal__nid":177145,"field_categoria_primaria":"approfondimento","title":"The phenomenon - Meteo-hydro risk","field_titolo_esteso":"The phenomenon - Meteo-hydro risk","field_id_contenuto_originale":177144,"field_data":"2016-07-31T16:29:00+02:00","field_tipo_approfondimento":"0","path":{"alias":"/meteo-hydro/events"},"field_link_esterni":[],"field_abstract":null,"body":{"processed":"

In Italy the meteo-hydrogeological and hydraulic risk is widespread and presents itself in different ways depending on the geomorphological structure of the territory.


The principal meteo-hydrogeological and hydraulic phenomena are listed below.




Floods are among the most typical manifestations of hydrogeological instability, and they occur when the waters of a river are not contained by the banks and flow into the surrounding area, damaging buildings, industrial settlements, roads, and agricultural areas. 


The most significant floods that have affected Italy and resulted in a heavy toll both in terms of human loss and damage were the floods of the Po River in Polesine (1951), the Arno River (1966), and the Po River in northern Italy (1994 and 2000). However, floods occurring in small basins are common in Italy due to heavy and localized rainfalls that are difficult to predict. Such basins, primarily present in Liguria and Calabria, are characterized by a few hours of flood development that result in hazardous floods that often cause casualties and damage to the environment and can severely impair the economic development of the affected areas. 


Floods are natural phenomena; however, among the causes of the increased frequency of floods are undoubtedly high levels of human activities and widespread soil sealing, which, by preventing the infiltration of rain into the ground, increases the quantities and rates of water flowing to rivers. In addition, other causes are the insufficient cleaning of rivers and the presence of debris or vegetation that undermines the ordinary flow of water. 


It is possible to reduce the risks of adverse consequences from floods through structural interventions, such as banks, retention reservoirs, spillway channels, and water drains, and non-structural interventions, such as land management or emergency management. In the latter case, the preparation of the warning system, the drafting of emergency plans, and the implementation of an efficient coordination system of the activities planned in these plans are essential. 


An efficient warning system based on forecasting models linked to a monitoring network is crucial for alerting institutional bodies in the area as early as possible and reducing people's exposure to events and damage to the territory through the implementation of real-time prevention measures. These include the activities of territorial hydraulic protection and the regulation of outflows from reservoirs to laminate the flood.


Floods are among the most typical manifestations of hydrogeological instability, and they occur when the waters of a river are not contained by the banks and flow into the surrounding area, damaging buildings, industrial settlements, roads, and agricultural areas. 


The most significant floods that have affected Italy and resulted in a heavy toll both in terms of human loss and damage were the floods of the Po River in Polesine (1951), the Arno River (1966), and the Po River in northern Italy (1994 and 2000). However, floods occurring in small basins are common in Italy due to heavy and localized rainfalls that are difficult to predict. Such basins, primarily present in Liguria and Calabria, are characterized by a few hours of flood development that result in hazardous floods that often cause casualties and damage to the environment and can severely impair the economic development of the affected areas. 


Floods are natural phenomena; however, among the causes of the increased frequency of floods are undoubtedly high levels of human activities and widespread soil sealing, which, by preventing the infiltration of rain into the ground, increases the quantities and rates of water flowing to rivers. In addition, other causes are the insufficient cleaning of rivers and the presence of debris or vegetation that undermines the ordinary flow of water. 


It is possible to reduce the risks of adverse consequences from floods through structural interventions, such as banks, retention reservoirs, spillway channels, and water drains, and non-structural interventions, such as land management or emergency management. In the latter case, the preparation of the warning system, the drafting of emergency plans, and the implementation of an efficient coordination system of the activities planned in these plans are essential. 


An efficient warning system based on forecasting models linked to a monitoring network is crucial for alerting institutional bodies in the area as early as possible and reducing people's exposure to events and damage to the territory through the implementation of real-time prevention measures. These include the activities of territorial hydraulic protection and the regulation of outflows from reservoirs to laminate the flood.

\r\n"},"relationships":{"field_immagine":null,"field_video":null,"field_link_interni":[{"__typename":"node__approfondimento","title":"In the event of flooding","field_titolo_esteso":"In the event of flooding","body":{"processed":"

Remember that river waters are highly polluted during and after floods and carry floating debris possibly causing injuries or liable to knock you unconscious.
Listen to the radio or watch TV for any warnings about bad weather.
Cars and objects can temporarily obstruct roads or passageways which suddenly collapse: take your car to a safe place out of reach of floods, as long as there is not a state of pre-alarm and it is not raining; roads often become true and proper rivers in full flood.


What to do


Before (pre-alarm)
• It is always useful to have an electric torch and a battery radio for tuning into local stations and listening for any useful information;
• Save property located in places liable to flooding, only if you are in a completely safe situation;
• Make sure that everyone at potential risk has been informed about the situation;
• If you live on an upper floor offer hospitality to those living on floors below you and vice versa ask for hospitality if you live on the lower floors;
• Put up safety barriers to protect ground floors and close or block doors to cellars or basements;
• It is best to stay home, as long as you do not run the risk of being flooded;
• Teach the children what to do in emergencies, such as turning off the gas or phoning the help numbers.


During (alarm or event in progress)
• It is best to concentrate the actions, envisaged for the alarm or event in progress stage, during the pre- alarm stage.
• It is essential to remember that there may only be a slight difference, difficult to foresee, between pre- alarm and alarm or event in progress: rain only has to be concentrated in a restricted area to trigger off sudden floods.
At home
• Turn off the gas, heating and electricity. Be careful not to come into contact with any electrical parts with wet hands and feet;
• Go up to the upper floors without using the lift;
• Never go down to cellars or garages to save objects or stores;
• Do not try to take your car or agricultural machinery to a safe place: there is danger of being trapped in the debris and carried away by the currents;
• Avoid confusion and keep calm;
• Help the disabled and older people in your building to reach safety;
• Do not drink water from the tap in the house: it could be polluted.


Outside the home
• Avoid using your car unless strictly necessary;
• If you’re in the car, do not try to reach destination at all costs, find shelter in the nearest and safest building;
• Avoid transit or stopping on the banks of watercourses, bridges or footbridges;
• Be careful of underground passageways: they are easily flooded;
• If you are on a trip or excursion, ask a local person for help: they may know where it is safe;
• Escape towards higher ground and never go downwards;
• Avoid passing under natural or artificial embankments;
• Do not take cover underneath isolated trees;
• Use the telephone only when strictly necessary to avoid overloaded lines.


• After reaching a safe place, pay full attention to information provided by the civil protection authority through radio, TV and clearly identified civil protection vehicles;
• Avoid contact with the waters; they can often be polluted by petrol, fuel oil or sewage water; also electrically charged by underground electricity lines;
• Avoid areas where currents are still flowing;
• Be careful of places where the water has retreated. The road surface may be weakened and liable to collapse under the weight of a car;
• Throw away any food wetted by flood waters;
• Be careful of bathroom utilities, septic tanks and damaged cesspits. Damaged drainage systems are serious sources of risk.


To keep on hand
It is also useful to always keep some objects of fundamental importance in case of emergencies somewhere in the home in a place known by the whole family, such as:
• First aid kit + medicines;
• Non-perishable foodstuffs;
• Heavy shoes;
• Reserve of drinking water;
• Spare heavy clothing;
• Light raincoats or oilskins;
• Electric torch with spare battery;
• Radio and spare batteries;
• Multipurpose knife;
• Photocopy of ID’s;
• Keys to the house;
• Property of value (cash and valuables);
• Paper and pen.


Remember that river waters are highly polluted during and after floods and carry floating debris possibly causing injuries or liable to knock you unconscious.
Listen to the radio or watch TV for any warnings about bad weather.
Cars and objects can temporarily obstruct roads or passageways which suddenly collapse: take your car to a safe place out of reach of floods, as long as there is not a state of pre-alarm and it is not raining; roads often become true and proper rivers in full flood.

What to do

Before (pre-alarm)
• It is always useful to have an electric torch and a battery radio for tuning into local stations and listening for any useful information;
• Save property located in places liable to flooding, only if you are in a completely safe situation;
• Make sure that everyone at potential risk has been informed about the situation;
• If you live on an upper floor offer hospitality to those living on floors below you and vice versa ask for hospitality if you live on the lower floors;
• Put up safety barriers to protect ground floors and close or block doors to cellars or basements;
• It is best to stay home, as long as you do not run the risk of being flooded;
• Teach the children what to do in emergencies, such as turning off the gas or phoning the help numbers.

During (alarm or event in progress)
• It is best to concentrate the actions, envisaged for the alarm or event in progress stage, during the pre- alarm stage.
• It is essential to remember that there may only be a slight difference, difficult to foresee, between pre- alarm and alarm or event in progress: rain only has to be concentrated in a restricted area to trigger off sudden floods.
At home
• Turn off the gas, heating and electricity. Be careful not to come into contact with any electrical parts with wet hands and feet;
• Go up to the upper floors without using the lift;
• Never go down to cellars or garages to save objects or stores;
• Do not try to take your car or agricultural machinery to a safe place: there is danger of being trapped in the debris and carried away by the currents;
• Avoid confusion and keep calm;
• Help the disabled and older people in your building to reach safety;
• Do not drink water from the tap in the house: it could be polluted.

Outside the home
• Avoid using your car unless strictly necessary;
• If you’re in the car, do not try to reach destination at all costs, find shelter in the nearest and safest building;
• Avoid transit or stopping on the banks of watercourses, bridges or footbridges;
• Be careful of underground passageways: they are easily flooded;
• If you are on a trip or excursion, ask a local person for help: they may know where it is safe;
• Escape towards higher ground and never go downwards;
• Avoid passing under natural or artificial embankments;
• Do not take cover underneath isolated trees;
• Use the telephone only when strictly necessary to avoid overloaded lines.

• After reaching a safe place, pay full attention to information provided by the civil protection authority through radio, TV and clearly identified civil protection vehicles;
• Avoid contact with the waters; they can often be polluted by petrol, fuel oil or sewage water; also electrically charged by underground electricity lines;
• Avoid areas where currents are still flowing;
• Be careful of places where the water has retreated. The road surface may be weakened and liable to collapse under the weight of a car;
• Throw away any food wetted by flood waters;
• Be careful of bathroom utilities, septic tanks and damaged cesspits. Damaged drainage systems are serious sources of risk.

To keep on hand
It is also useful to always keep some objects of fundamental importance in case of emergencies somewhere in the home in a place known by the whole family, such as:
• First aid kit + medicines;
• Non-perishable foodstuffs;
• Heavy shoes;
• Reserve of drinking water;
• Spare heavy clothing;
• Light raincoats or oilskins;
• Electric torch with spare battery;
• Radio and spare batteries;
• Multipurpose knife;
• Photocopy of ID’s;
• Keys to the house;
• Property of value (cash and valuables);
• Paper and pen.

"},"field_abstract":null,"field_data":"2016-07-26T13:07:35+02:00","field_categoria_primaria":"approfondimento","field_codice_lingua":true,"fields":{"slug":"/approfondimento/in-the-event-of-flooding/"},"relationships":{"field_sottodominio":{"name":"Portale"},"field_immagine_anteprima":null,"field_immagine_dettaglio":null}},{"__typename":"node__approfondimento","title":"Network of Functional Centres","field_titolo_esteso":"Network of Functional Centres","body":{"processed":"

The network of functional centers consists of the Central Functional Center, located at the Department of Civil Protection, and decentralized functional centers located in the regions and autonomous provinces. Each functional center focuses on forecasting, monitoring and surveillance of weather phenomena in real time with the consequent assessment of the expected effects on people and things in a given territory, contributing, together with the Department of Civil Protection and the Regions, to the management of the National Alerting System.


The activity of the network of functional centers. Each functional center has the task of collecting and sharing with the entire network of Centers a series of data and information from different technological platforms and a dense network of sensors placed on the national territory. Specifically:


On the basis of these data and modelling, the Functional Centres elaborate the probabilistically expected scenarios, also through the use of forecasting models of the effects on the territory. On the basis of these evaluations, the Functional Centres issue bulletins and warnings in which both the evolution of the phenomena and the expected criticality levels on the territory are reported.


The Central Functional Center. The Central Functional Center is located at the operational headquarters of the Department of Civil Protection, and it is through it that the Department, together with the Regions, ensures the coordination of the national warning system. In addition, consistent with the principle of subsidiarity, in cases where the decentralized functional centers are not active or are temporarily not operational, the Central Functional Center performs all operational tasks assigned to them.


The network of functional centers consists of the Central Functional Center, located at the Department of Civil Protection, and decentralized functional centers located in the regions and autonomous provinces. Each functional center focuses on forecasting, monitoring and surveillance of weather phenomena in real time with the consequent assessment of the expected effects on people and things in a given territory, contributing, together with the Department of Civil Protection and the Regions, to the management of the National Alerting System.


The activity of the network of functional centers. Each functional center has the task of collecting and sharing with the entire network of Centers a series of data and information from different technological platforms and a dense network of sensors placed on the national territory. Specifically:


On the basis of these data and modelling, the Functional Centres elaborate the probabilistically expected scenarios, also through the use of forecasting models of the effects on the territory. On the basis of these evaluations, the Functional Centres issue bulletins and warnings in which both the evolution of the phenomena and the expected criticality levels on the territory are reported.


The Central Functional Center. The Central Functional Center is located at the operational headquarters of the Department of Civil Protection, and it is through it that the Department, together with the Regions, ensures the coordination of the national warning system. In addition, consistent with the principle of subsidiarity, in cases where the decentralized functional centers are not active or are temporarily not operational, the Central Functional Center performs all operational tasks assigned to them.


Il Centro funzionale centrale e i Centri funzionali decentrati nelle Regioni e nelle Province autonome


Il Centro funzionale centrale e i Centri funzionali decentrati nelle Regioni e nelle Province autonome

\r\n"},"field_data":"2018-02-20T14:52:00+01:00","field_categoria_primaria":"approfondimento","field_codice_lingua":true,"fields":{"slug":"/approfondimento/network-functional-centres/"},"relationships":{"field_sottodominio":{"name":"Servizio Nazionale"},"field_immagine_anteprima":null,"field_immagine_dettaglio":null}}]},"drupal_internal__id":16343},{"field_titolo":"Cyclones","field_tabella":null,"field_testo":{"processed":"

Cyclones can form in the Mediterranean with similar characteristics to tropical systems called TLC - Tropical Like Cyclone or Medicane - Mediterranean Hurricane. These are low-pressure systems that have a dynamic evolution similar to that of tropical cyclones, although they are generally less extensive and shorter in duration. These phenomena can occur with a frequency of about one event per year.  


These systems are part of the cyclones that occur at mid-latitudes, including European and Mediterranean latitudes and are called extratropical cyclones. Tropical systems have a completely different genesis and dynamics from extratropical ones. In tropical systems, the energy comes from the condensation of water vapor sucked by the system above the sea surface. In contrast, in extratropical ones, the energy comes from the temperature difference between the warm (typically subtropical) and cold (typically subpolar, Arctic) air mass from whose collision the system originates. Questi sistemi fanno parte dei cicloni che si verificano invece alle medie latitudini, comprese quelle europee e mediterranee, e che per questo sono chiamati extratropicali (extratropical cyclones).  


This means that the tropical-like cyclones generated in the Mediterranean have a mixed genesis, meaning that to form, they still need the contribution of a disturbed situation already present on the weather scene. This happens because the surface temperature and the extent of the Mediterranean are considerably lower than those of a tropical ocean. The autumn period results statistically among the likeliest for such phenomena, although they can still occur in the winter period.   


The tropical-like cyclone appears as a spiral of clouds with a well-delineated eye. It is marked by persistent, heavy rainfall with predominantly thunderstorms, showers, and severe winds, which can exceed 50 to 80 knots (100 to 150 km/h), with intensity up to storm or hurricane that can generate stormy sea conditions. On the coast, the winds produce storm surges of particular severity, generally resulting in a sudden rise in sea level. As a result of the impact on land, the cyclone tends to lose strength. 


Cyclones can form in the Mediterranean with similar characteristics to tropical systems called TLC - Tropical Like Cyclone or Medicane - Mediterranean Hurricane. These are low-pressure systems that have a dynamic evolution similar to that of tropical cyclones, although they are generally less extensive and shorter in duration. These phenomena can occur with a frequency of about one event per year.  


These systems are part of the cyclones that occur at mid-latitudes, including European and Mediterranean latitudes and are called extratropical cyclones. Tropical systems have a completely different genesis and dynamics from extratropical ones. In tropical systems, the energy comes from the condensation of water vapor sucked by the system above the sea surface. In contrast, in extratropical ones, the energy comes from the temperature difference between the warm (typically subtropical) and cold (typically subpolar, Arctic) air mass from whose collision the system originates. Questi sistemi fanno parte dei cicloni che si verificano invece alle medie latitudini, comprese quelle europee e mediterranee, e che per questo sono chiamati extratropicali (extratropical cyclones).  


This means that the tropical-like cyclones generated in the Mediterranean have a mixed genesis, meaning that to form, they still need the contribution of a disturbed situation already present on the weather scene. This happens because the surface temperature and the extent of the Mediterranean are considerably lower than those of a tropical ocean. The autumn period results statistically among the likeliest for such phenomena, although they can still occur in the winter period.   


The tropical-like cyclone appears as a spiral of clouds with a well-delineated eye. It is marked by persistent, heavy rainfall with predominantly thunderstorms, showers, and severe winds, which can exceed 50 to 80 knots (100 to 150 km/h), with intensity up to storm or hurricane that can generate stormy sea conditions. On the coast, the winds produce storm surges of particular severity, generally resulting in a sudden rise in sea level. As a result of the impact on land, the cyclone tends to lose strength. 

\r\n"},"relationships":{"field_immagine":null,"field_video":null,"field_link_interni":[{"__typename":"node__approfondimento","title":"Network of Functional Centres","field_titolo_esteso":"Network of Functional Centres","body":{"processed":"

The network of functional centers consists of the Central Functional Center, located at the Department of Civil Protection, and decentralized functional centers located in the regions and autonomous provinces. Each functional center focuses on forecasting, monitoring and surveillance of weather phenomena in real time with the consequent assessment of the expected effects on people and things in a given territory, contributing, together with the Department of Civil Protection and the Regions, to the management of the National Alerting System.


The activity of the network of functional centers. Each functional center has the task of collecting and sharing with the entire network of Centers a series of data and information from different technological platforms and a dense network of sensors placed on the national territory. Specifically:


On the basis of these data and modelling, the Functional Centres elaborate the probabilistically expected scenarios, also through the use of forecasting models of the effects on the territory. On the basis of these evaluations, the Functional Centres issue bulletins and warnings in which both the evolution of the phenomena and the expected criticality levels on the territory are reported.


The Central Functional Center. The Central Functional Center is located at the operational headquarters of the Department of Civil Protection, and it is through it that the Department, together with the Regions, ensures the coordination of the national warning system. In addition, consistent with the principle of subsidiarity, in cases where the decentralized functional centers are not active or are temporarily not operational, the Central Functional Center performs all operational tasks assigned to them.


The network of functional centers consists of the Central Functional Center, located at the Department of Civil Protection, and decentralized functional centers located in the regions and autonomous provinces. Each functional center focuses on forecasting, monitoring and surveillance of weather phenomena in real time with the consequent assessment of the expected effects on people and things in a given territory, contributing, together with the Department of Civil Protection and the Regions, to the management of the National Alerting System.


The activity of the network of functional centers. Each functional center has the task of collecting and sharing with the entire network of Centers a series of data and information from different technological platforms and a dense network of sensors placed on the national territory. Specifically:


On the basis of these data and modelling, the Functional Centres elaborate the probabilistically expected scenarios, also through the use of forecasting models of the effects on the territory. On the basis of these evaluations, the Functional Centres issue bulletins and warnings in which both the evolution of the phenomena and the expected criticality levels on the territory are reported.


The Central Functional Center. The Central Functional Center is located at the operational headquarters of the Department of Civil Protection, and it is through it that the Department, together with the Regions, ensures the coordination of the national warning system. In addition, consistent with the principle of subsidiarity, in cases where the decentralized functional centers are not active or are temporarily not operational, the Central Functional Center performs all operational tasks assigned to them.


Il Centro funzionale centrale e i Centri funzionali decentrati nelle Regioni e nelle Province autonome


Il Centro funzionale centrale e i Centri funzionali decentrati nelle Regioni e nelle Province autonome

\r\n"},"field_data":"2018-02-20T14:52:00+01:00","field_categoria_primaria":"approfondimento","field_codice_lingua":true,"fields":{"slug":"/approfondimento/network-functional-centres/"},"relationships":{"field_sottodominio":{"name":"Servizio Nazionale"},"field_immagine_anteprima":null,"field_immagine_dettaglio":null}},{"__typename":"node__approfondimento","title":"Central Functional Centre","field_titolo_esteso":"Central Functional Centre","body":{"processed":"

The activation of the Central Functional Centre is provided for by the Directive of 27 February 2004 that sets out the \"Operational guidelines for the organizational and functional management of the national, state and regional warning system for hydrogeological and hydraulic risk for the purposes of civil protection\". The structure is located in Rome, at the operational headquarters of the Department of Civil Protection.




\nIt performs both forecasting activities, monitoring and surveillance of meteo-hydrogeological and hydraulic events and their impact on the territory so as to define risk scenarios, or to assess the impact that these events could have on the integrity of life, property, settlements and environment.  The Central Functional Centre plays a leading role in the general coordination of the network of Functional Centers and can replace the tasks and functions of inactive decentralized functional centers, on request of concerned regions.


Forecasting activities


\nThe Central Functional Center is operational 24/7 and is divided into a weather sector and a hydrogeological and hydraulic sector. In particular, it produces weather forecasts for civil protection purposes. Specifically forecasts of weather phenomena that may have an impact on the territory (for hydrogeological or hydraulic risk, or for situations concerning road and sea traffic) or on the population. Accordingly, the Bulletin of National Meteorological Vigilance is produced every day. A document that reports the situations in which one or more meteorological parameters are expected to exceed certain thresholds of attention or alarm. When the forecasts indicate phenomena of particular relevance at supra-regional level, considering the evaluations of decentralized functional centers, the weather division of the Central Functional Center releases national weather warnings. 


\nEach Functional Center performs an assessment of the possible occurrence, or evolve, of effects on the ground (landslides and floods) as a result of expected or ongoing weather events. These evaluations are concerted and collected by the hydrogeological and hydraulic division of the Central Functional Center in the criticality Bullettin released every day to the Decentralized Functional Centers of the Regions and the Ministries of Interior, Agriculture, Infrastructure and Transport and Environment so that they in turn give information to their operational structures.


Monitoring and surveillance activities


The Central Functional Center of the Department also carries out hydropluviometric and radarmeteorological monitoring and surveillance activities on the national territory, supporting the Decentralized Functional Centers. In particular, it provides for the collection and integration of the information produced by the existing meteorological radar systems on the national territory.


The activation of the Central Functional Centre is provided for by the Directive of 27 February 2004 that sets out the \"Operational guidelines for the organizational and functional management of the national, state and regional warning system for hydrogeological and hydraulic risk for the purposes of civil protection\". The structure is located in Rome, at the operational headquarters of the Department of Civil Protection.




\r\nIt performs both forecasting activities, monitoring and surveillance of meteo-hydrogeological and hydraulic events and their impact on the territory so as to define risk scenarios, or to assess the impact that these events could have on the integrity of life, property, settlements and environment.  The Central Functional Centre plays a leading role in the general coordination of the network of Functional Centers and can replace the tasks and functions of inactive decentralized functional centers, on request of concerned regions.


\r\nForecasting activities


\r\nThe Central Functional Center is operational 24/7 and is divided into a weather sector and a hydrogeological and hydraulic sector. In particular, it produces weather forecasts for civil protection purposes. Specifically forecasts of weather phenomena that may have an impact on the territory (for hydrogeological or hydraulic risk, or for situations concerning road and sea traffic) or on the population. Accordingly, the Bulletin of National Meteorological Vigilance is produced every day. A document that reports the situations in which one or more meteorological parameters are expected to exceed certain thresholds of attention or alarm. When the forecasts indicate phenomena of particular relevance at supra-regional level, considering the evaluations of decentralized functional centers, the weather division of the Central Functional Center releases national weather warnings. 


\r\nEach Functional Center performs an assessment of the possible occurrence, or evolve, of effects on the ground (landslides and floods) as a result of expected or ongoing weather events. These evaluations are concerted and collected by the hydrogeological and hydraulic division of the Central Functional Center in the criticality Bullettin released every day to the Decentralized Functional Centers of the Regions and the Ministries of Interior, Agriculture, Infrastructure and Transport and Environment so that they in turn give information to their operational structures.


\r\nMonitoring and surveillance activities


The Central Functional Center of the Department also carries out hydropluviometric and radarmeteorological monitoring and surveillance activities on the national territory, supporting the Decentralized Functional Centers. In particular, it provides for the collection and integration of the information produced by the existing meteorological radar systems on the national territory.





\r\n"},"field_data":"2018-01-10T10:42:00+01:00","field_categoria_primaria":"approfondimento","field_codice_lingua":true,"fields":{"slug":"/meteo-hydro/activities/central-functional-centre/"},"relationships":{"field_sottodominio":{"name":"Rischi"},"field_immagine_anteprima":null,"field_immagine_dettaglio":null}}]},"drupal_internal__id":16344},{"field_titolo":"Water crises","field_tabella":null,"field_testo":{"processed":"

A meteorological-climatic situation characterized by a generalized reduction in rainfall has been created over the last few decades. Prolonged periods of low rainfall have, in particular, been registered over the previous few years, causing water emergencies in the more significant part of the domestic territory, aggravating situations already in a state of emergency. 


Among the factors contributing to the occurrence of water crises is the inadequacy of the water supply network, which in Italy has a loss of water intake of 27 %, with peaks as high as 40 %. 


Emergencies. The worst water emergencies in Italy in recent times were recorded in the summer of 2002 (particularly in the central-southern regions) and in the summers of 2003 and 2006 (particularly in the northern regions). Under these circumstances, the lack of water created significant limitations in the civil, farming, and industrial sectors. The Civil Protection Department took action, in agreement with the competent Ministries and Regions involved, upon the declaration of a state of emergency by the cabinet and through ordinances granting the Regional presidents nominated Extraordinary Commissioners with the powers and means required to deal with the emergency in the water supply sector and integrated waterworks service. 


During the summer of 2003 water crisis involving the entire Po Basin, with the idea of preventing further emergencies and using the ordinary instruments put at disposal by the legislation in force, the Civil Protection Department acted as the promoter to an agreement stipulated with the Basin Authority, the Valle D’Aosta, Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto, Emilia-Romagna Regions, the Inter-regional River Po Agency (AIPO), the National Grid Distribution Operator (GRTN), Consortia regulating lakes, the National Reclamation, Irrigation and Improved Land Association (ANBI) and power producing companies located in the basin. 


Prevention. To avoid the worsening of the water crisis, a series of measures, including individual measures, should be adopted to preserve and manage the national water heritage appropriately. These measures involve cautious, rational management of the aquifers, reduced consumption, water pipe repairs or upgrades, and dual supply and distribution networks, using pure water for potable purposes and purified water for compatible usage. 


A meteorological-climatic situation characterized by a generalized reduction in rainfall has been created over the last few decades. Prolonged periods of low rainfall have, in particular, been registered over the previous few years, causing water emergencies in the more significant part of the domestic territory, aggravating situations already in a state of emergency. 


Among the factors contributing to the occurrence of water crises is the inadequacy of the water supply network, which in Italy has a loss of water intake of 27 %, with peaks as high as 40 %. 


Emergencies. The worst water emergencies in Italy in recent times were recorded in the summer of 2002 (particularly in the central-southern regions) and in the summers of 2003 and 2006 (particularly in the northern regions). Under these circumstances, the lack of water created significant limitations in the civil, farming, and industrial sectors. The Civil Protection Department took action, in agreement with the competent Ministries and Regions involved, upon the declaration of a state of emergency by the cabinet and through ordinances granting the Regional presidents nominated Extraordinary Commissioners with the powers and means required to deal with the emergency in the water supply sector and integrated waterworks service. 


During the summer of 2003 water crisis involving the entire Po Basin, with the idea of preventing further emergencies and using the ordinary instruments put at disposal by the legislation in force, the Civil Protection Department acted as the promoter to an agreement stipulated with the Basin Authority, the Valle D’Aosta, Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto, Emilia-Romagna Regions, the Inter-regional River Po Agency (AIPO), the National Grid Distribution Operator (GRTN), Consortia regulating lakes, the National Reclamation, Irrigation and Improved Land Association (ANBI) and power producing companies located in the basin. 


Prevention. To avoid the worsening of the water crisis, a series of measures, including individual measures, should be adopted to preserve and manage the national water heritage appropriately. These measures involve cautious, rational management of the aquifers, reduced consumption, water pipe repairs or upgrades, and dual supply and distribution networks, using pure water for potable purposes and purified water for compatible usage. 

\r\n"},"relationships":{"field_immagine":null,"field_video":null,"field_link_interni":[{"__typename":"node__approfondimento","title":"Network of Functional Centres","field_titolo_esteso":"Network of Functional Centres","body":{"processed":"

The network of functional centers consists of the Central Functional Center, located at the Department of Civil Protection, and decentralized functional centers located in the regions and autonomous provinces. Each functional center focuses on forecasting, monitoring and surveillance of weather phenomena in real time with the consequent assessment of the expected effects on people and things in a given territory, contributing, together with the Department of Civil Protection and the Regions, to the management of the National Alerting System.


The activity of the network of functional centers. Each functional center has the task of collecting and sharing with the entire network of Centers a series of data and information from different technological platforms and a dense network of sensors placed on the national territory. Specifically:


On the basis of these data and modelling, the Functional Centres elaborate the probabilistically expected scenarios, also through the use of forecasting models of the effects on the territory. On the basis of these evaluations, the Functional Centres issue bulletins and warnings in which both the evolution of the phenomena and the expected criticality levels on the territory are reported.


The Central Functional Center. The Central Functional Center is located at the operational headquarters of the Department of Civil Protection, and it is through it that the Department, together with the Regions, ensures the coordination of the national warning system. In addition, consistent with the principle of subsidiarity, in cases where the decentralized functional centers are not active or are temporarily not operational, the Central Functional Center performs all operational tasks assigned to them.


The network of functional centers consists of the Central Functional Center, located at the Department of Civil Protection, and decentralized functional centers located in the regions and autonomous provinces. Each functional center focuses on forecasting, monitoring and surveillance of weather phenomena in real time with the consequent assessment of the expected effects on people and things in a given territory, contributing, together with the Department of Civil Protection and the Regions, to the management of the National Alerting System.


The activity of the network of functional centers. Each functional center has the task of collecting and sharing with the entire network of Centers a series of data and information from different technological platforms and a dense network of sensors placed on the national territory. Specifically:


On the basis of these data and modelling, the Functional Centres elaborate the probabilistically expected scenarios, also through the use of forecasting models of the effects on the territory. On the basis of these evaluations, the Functional Centres issue bulletins and warnings in which both the evolution of the phenomena and the expected criticality levels on the territory are reported.


The Central Functional Center. The Central Functional Center is located at the operational headquarters of the Department of Civil Protection, and it is through it that the Department, together with the Regions, ensures the coordination of the national warning system. In addition, consistent with the principle of subsidiarity, in cases where the decentralized functional centers are not active or are temporarily not operational, the Central Functional Center performs all operational tasks assigned to them.


Il Centro funzionale centrale e i Centri funzionali decentrati nelle Regioni e nelle Province autonome


Il Centro funzionale centrale e i Centri funzionali decentrati nelle Regioni e nelle Province autonome

\r\n"},"field_data":"2018-02-20T14:52:00+01:00","field_categoria_primaria":"approfondimento","field_codice_lingua":true,"fields":{"slug":"/approfondimento/network-functional-centres/"},"relationships":{"field_sottodominio":{"name":"Servizio Nazionale"},"field_immagine_anteprima":null,"field_immagine_dettaglio":null}},{"__typename":"node__approfondimento","title":"In the event of water crisis","field_titolo_esteso":"In the event of water crisis","body":{"processed":"

To save water:


•  supply fittings with aerators to save water;
\n•  check for leaks. If, with all taps closed, the counter is running, call a specialized company that can check for •  faults or leaks in the pipe and plumbing fixtures;
\n•  do not let the tap water run unnecessarily; turn it on only when necessary, such as while brushing your teeth •  or while shaving your beard;
\n•  do not use running water to wash fruits and vegetables; simply let them soak with a pinch of baking soda;
\n•  whenever possible, reuse used water: water from cooking pasta, for example, to degrease dishes; water used to wash fruits and vegetables to water plants and flowers;
\n•  use washing machines or dishwashers, if possible at night, only when fully loaded, and remember to enter the economy program if there are few clothes or dishes to be washed;
\n•  in toilets, use two-flow tanks; it saves about 60% of the water currently used with fixed, high-volume tanks;
\n•  prefer showering to bathing: it is faster and reduces consumption by one-third;
\n•  when you go on vacation or are away from home for long periods, turn off the central water tap;
\n•  do not use drinking water to wash cars.


In case of suspension of water supply:


•  before the suspension, make a minimum supply of water for the bathroom and kitchen and stock up on disposable dishes, cutlery, and cups, absorbent cotton, and denatured alcohol;
\n•  turn off the electric water heater and turn it back on after the power is back on to avoid damage to the heating elements;
\n•  as soon as the water supply is restored, avoid using the washing machine, dishwasher, and water heater until the water heater is back to normal, as dark water may occur.


To save water:


•  supply fittings with aerators to save water;
\r\n•  check for leaks. If, with all taps closed, the counter is running, call a specialized company that can check for •  faults or leaks in the pipe and plumbing fixtures;
\r\n•  do not let the tap water run unnecessarily; turn it on only when necessary, such as while brushing your teeth •  or while shaving your beard;
\r\n•  do not use running water to wash fruits and vegetables; simply let them soak with a pinch of baking soda;
\r\n•  whenever possible, reuse used water: water from cooking pasta, for example, to degrease dishes; water used to wash fruits and vegetables to water plants and flowers;
\r\n•  use washing machines or dishwashers, if possible at night, only when fully loaded, and remember to enter the economy program if there are few clothes or dishes to be washed;
\r\n•  in toilets, use two-flow tanks; it saves about 60% of the water currently used with fixed, high-volume tanks;
\r\n•  prefer showering to bathing: it is faster and reduces consumption by one-third;
\r\n•  when you go on vacation or are away from home for long periods, turn off the central water tap;
\r\n•  do not use drinking water to wash cars.


In case of suspension of water supply:


•  before the suspension, make a minimum supply of water for the bathroom and kitchen and stock up on disposable dishes, cutlery, and cups, absorbent cotton, and denatured alcohol;
\r\n•  turn off the electric water heater and turn it back on after the power is back on to avoid damage to the heating elements;
\r\n•  as soon as the water supply is restored, avoid using the washing machine, dishwasher, and water heater until the water heater is back to normal, as dark water may occur.

\r\n"},"field_abstract":null,"field_data":"2018-02-08T18:06:09+01:00","field_categoria_primaria":"approfondimento","field_codice_lingua":true,"fields":{"slug":"/approfondimento/event-water-crisis/"},"relationships":{"field_sottodominio":{"name":"Portale"},"field_immagine_anteprima":null,"field_immagine_dettaglio":null}}]},"drupal_internal__id":16345},{"field_titolo":"Coastal erosions","field_tabella":null,"field_testo":{"processed":"

In recent decades, due to indiscriminate gravel and sand extractions along the riverbeds of many Italian rivers, the contribution of fluvial solid transport delivered to the beaches has decreased. For this reason, in many coastlines the shoreline is noticeably retracted and increasingly close to road infrastructure, buildings, industrial settlements, threatening their safety and sometimes forcing the population to evacuate the area. 


The problem is aggravated by storm surges that with variable frequency hit the coasts and change, even substantially, the morphology of the coastline. 


To counter the phenomenon of coastal erosion, numerous defense works have been implemented, including transverse to the shore (groynes), longitudinal (breakwaters), and grazing (bank walls, bulkheads, etc.). Where the retreat has been substantial enough to erode a large part of the beach, more radical interventions have been implemented, such as artificial nourishment, which consists of feeding a beach with landfill extracted from borrow pits.


In recent decades, due to indiscriminate gravel and sand extractions along the riverbeds of many Italian rivers, the contribution of fluvial solid transport delivered to the beaches has decreased. For this reason, in many coastlines the shoreline is noticeably retracted and increasingly close to road infrastructure, buildings, industrial settlements, threatening their safety and sometimes forcing the population to evacuate the area. 


The problem is aggravated by storm surges that with variable frequency hit the coasts and change, even substantially, the morphology of the coastline. 


To counter the phenomenon of coastal erosion, numerous defense works have been implemented, including transverse to the shore (groynes), longitudinal (breakwaters), and grazing (bank walls, bulkheads, etc.). Where the retreat has been substantial enough to erode a large part of the beach, more radical interventions have been implemented, such as artificial nourishment, which consists of feeding a beach with landfill extracted from borrow pits.


Fog, in larger or smaller and more or less compact banks, forms when the air in the lower layers of the atmosphere is particularly stagnant and humidity condenses into tiny water droplets.


These particular weather conditions appear especially in autumn and winter in low or depressed areas (plains, valleys, basins), and they are naturally promoted close to humidity-rich regions, such as those in the proximity of streams or dense green areas. 


The times most at risk for fog formation are typically the coldest, i.e., the night and early morning hours; during the day, the sun can guarantee the gradual lifting or at least partial thinning of fog in most cases, but in some weather conditions, the phenomenon persists for most of the day.


Fog absorbs and disperses light, decreases contrast and color difference, and reduces objects' visibility. Ultimately, it dramatically reduces horizontal visibility and thus constitutes a grave danger to traffic.


In fact, hundreds of people die each year as a result of imprudent driving with fog, often in rear-end collisions, but also in the running off the road, impacts with trees, poles, bridge abutments, or in head-on collisions, due to failure or delayed perception of curves, fixed obstacles, or other vehicles. 


Fog, in larger or smaller and more or less compact banks, forms when the air in the lower layers of the atmosphere is particularly stagnant and humidity condenses into tiny water droplets.


These particular weather conditions appear especially in autumn and winter in low or depressed areas (plains, valleys, basins), and they are naturally promoted close to humidity-rich regions, such as those in the proximity of streams or dense green areas. 


The times most at risk for fog formation are typically the coldest, i.e., the night and early morning hours; during the day, the sun can guarantee the gradual lifting or at least partial thinning of fog in most cases, but in some weather conditions, the phenomenon persists for most of the day.


Fog absorbs and disperses light, decreases contrast and color difference, and reduces objects' visibility. Ultimately, it dramatically reduces horizontal visibility and thus constitutes a grave danger to traffic.


In fact, hundreds of people die each year as a result of imprudent driving with fog, often in rear-end collisions, but also in the running off the road, impacts with trees, poles, bridge abutments, or in head-on collisions, due to failure or delayed perception of curves, fixed obstacles, or other vehicles. 

\r\n"},"relationships":{"field_immagine":null,"field_video":null,"field_link_interni":[{"__typename":"node__approfondimento","title":"Network of Functional Centres","field_titolo_esteso":"Network of Functional Centres","body":{"processed":"

The network of functional centers consists of the Central Functional Center, located at the Department of Civil Protection, and decentralized functional centers located in the regions and autonomous provinces. Each functional center focuses on forecasting, monitoring and surveillance of weather phenomena in real time with the consequent assessment of the expected effects on people and things in a given territory, contributing, together with the Department of Civil Protection and the Regions, to the management of the National Alerting System.


The activity of the network of functional centers. Each functional center has the task of collecting and sharing with the entire network of Centers a series of data and information from different technological platforms and a dense network of sensors placed on the national territory. Specifically:


On the basis of these data and modelling, the Functional Centres elaborate the probabilistically expected scenarios, also through the use of forecasting models of the effects on the territory. On the basis of these evaluations, the Functional Centres issue bulletins and warnings in which both the evolution of the phenomena and the expected criticality levels on the territory are reported.


The Central Functional Center. The Central Functional Center is located at the operational headquarters of the Department of Civil Protection, and it is through it that the Department, together with the Regions, ensures the coordination of the national warning system. In addition, consistent with the principle of subsidiarity, in cases where the decentralized functional centers are not active or are temporarily not operational, the Central Functional Center performs all operational tasks assigned to them.


The network of functional centers consists of the Central Functional Center, located at the Department of Civil Protection, and decentralized functional centers located in the regions and autonomous provinces. Each functional center focuses on forecasting, monitoring and surveillance of weather phenomena in real time with the consequent assessment of the expected effects on people and things in a given territory, contributing, together with the Department of Civil Protection and the Regions, to the management of the National Alerting System.


The activity of the network of functional centers. Each functional center has the task of collecting and sharing with the entire network of Centers a series of data and information from different technological platforms and a dense network of sensors placed on the national territory. Specifically:


On the basis of these data and modelling, the Functional Centres elaborate the probabilistically expected scenarios, also through the use of forecasting models of the effects on the territory. On the basis of these evaluations, the Functional Centres issue bulletins and warnings in which both the evolution of the phenomena and the expected criticality levels on the territory are reported.


The Central Functional Center. The Central Functional Center is located at the operational headquarters of the Department of Civil Protection, and it is through it that the Department, together with the Regions, ensures the coordination of the national warning system. In addition, consistent with the principle of subsidiarity, in cases where the decentralized functional centers are not active or are temporarily not operational, the Central Functional Center performs all operational tasks assigned to them.


Il Centro funzionale centrale e i Centri funzionali decentrati nelle Regioni e nelle Province autonome


Il Centro funzionale centrale e i Centri funzionali decentrati nelle Regioni e nelle Province autonome

\r\n"},"field_data":"2018-02-20T14:52:00+01:00","field_categoria_primaria":"approfondimento","field_codice_lingua":true,"fields":{"slug":"/approfondimento/network-functional-centres/"},"relationships":{"field_sottodominio":{"name":"Servizio Nazionale"},"field_immagine_anteprima":null,"field_immagine_dettaglio":null}}]},"drupal_internal__id":16347},{"field_titolo":"Landslides","field_tabella":null,"field_testo":{"processed":"

A landslide is described as the \"movement of a mass of rock, soil, or debris along a slope.\" 


The causes of these destabilization processes are complex and often interconnected. Besides the amount of water or snow, deforestation, and fires are significant causes of landslides: on wooded slopes, tree roots consolidate the soil and absorb excessive water. The country's alpine and Apennine territories and the coastal territories are generally at risk of landslides, given the nature of the rocks and the slope, which give the slope a certain instability. In addition, climatic characteristics and the annual rainfall distribution contribute to increasing the area's vulnerability. 


Also, human action on the territory can cause landslides. Intense land transformation performed by human activities, often without criteria and respect for the environment (construction of buildings or roads at the foot of a slope or mid-slope, ski slopes, etc.), can cause land subsidence. 


Landslides present different dangerous conditions based on the mass and velocity of the landslide body: in fact, landslides with low danger are characterized by a low mass and constant, low velocity over long periods; on the other hand, other landslides present a greater risk since they suddenly increase in velocity and are characterized by a substantial mass. 


For prevention purposes, it is not easy to define precursors and thresholds, which are understood as the amount of rainfall capable of triggering the landslide movement and as ground displacements/deformations, past which the collapse of unstable masses could occur. 


Effective landslide defense can be achieved through nonstructural interventions, such as protection standards on risk areas, monitoring systems and emergency plans, and structural interventions, such as retaining walls, anchors, micropiles, concrete injections, rockfall nets, sprayed concrete layers, etc. 


A landslide is described as the \"movement of a mass of rock, soil, or debris along a slope.\" 


The causes of these destabilization processes are complex and often interconnected. Besides the amount of water or snow, deforestation, and fires are significant causes of landslides: on wooded slopes, tree roots consolidate the soil and absorb excessive water. The country's alpine and Apennine territories and the coastal territories are generally at risk of landslides, given the nature of the rocks and the slope, which give the slope a certain instability. In addition, climatic characteristics and the annual rainfall distribution contribute to increasing the area's vulnerability. 


Also, human action on the territory can cause landslides. Intense land transformation performed by human activities, often without criteria and respect for the environment (construction of buildings or roads at the foot of a slope or mid-slope, ski slopes, etc.), can cause land subsidence. 


Landslides present different dangerous conditions based on the mass and velocity of the landslide body: in fact, landslides with low danger are characterized by a low mass and constant, low velocity over long periods; on the other hand, other landslides present a greater risk since they suddenly increase in velocity and are characterized by a substantial mass. 


For prevention purposes, it is not easy to define precursors and thresholds, which are understood as the amount of rainfall capable of triggering the landslide movement and as ground displacements/deformations, past which the collapse of unstable masses could occur. 


Effective landslide defense can be achieved through nonstructural interventions, such as protection standards on risk areas, monitoring systems and emergency plans, and structural interventions, such as retaining walls, anchors, micropiles, concrete injections, rockfall nets, sprayed concrete layers, etc. 

\r\n"},"relationships":{"field_immagine":null,"field_video":null,"field_link_interni":[{"__typename":"node__approfondimento","title":"Network of Functional Centres","field_titolo_esteso":"Network of Functional Centres","body":{"processed":"

The network of functional centers consists of the Central Functional Center, located at the Department of Civil Protection, and decentralized functional centers located in the regions and autonomous provinces. Each functional center focuses on forecasting, monitoring and surveillance of weather phenomena in real time with the consequent assessment of the expected effects on people and things in a given territory, contributing, together with the Department of Civil Protection and the Regions, to the management of the National Alerting System.


The activity of the network of functional centers. Each functional center has the task of collecting and sharing with the entire network of Centers a series of data and information from different technological platforms and a dense network of sensors placed on the national territory. Specifically:


On the basis of these data and modelling, the Functional Centres elaborate the probabilistically expected scenarios, also through the use of forecasting models of the effects on the territory. On the basis of these evaluations, the Functional Centres issue bulletins and warnings in which both the evolution of the phenomena and the expected criticality levels on the territory are reported.


The Central Functional Center. The Central Functional Center is located at the operational headquarters of the Department of Civil Protection, and it is through it that the Department, together with the Regions, ensures the coordination of the national warning system. In addition, consistent with the principle of subsidiarity, in cases where the decentralized functional centers are not active or are temporarily not operational, the Central Functional Center performs all operational tasks assigned to them.


The network of functional centers consists of the Central Functional Center, located at the Department of Civil Protection, and decentralized functional centers located in the regions and autonomous provinces. Each functional center focuses on forecasting, monitoring and surveillance of weather phenomena in real time with the consequent assessment of the expected effects on people and things in a given territory, contributing, together with the Department of Civil Protection and the Regions, to the management of the National Alerting System.


The activity of the network of functional centers. Each functional center has the task of collecting and sharing with the entire network of Centers a series of data and information from different technological platforms and a dense network of sensors placed on the national territory. Specifically:


On the basis of these data and modelling, the Functional Centres elaborate the probabilistically expected scenarios, also through the use of forecasting models of the effects on the territory. On the basis of these evaluations, the Functional Centres issue bulletins and warnings in which both the evolution of the phenomena and the expected criticality levels on the territory are reported.


The Central Functional Center. The Central Functional Center is located at the operational headquarters of the Department of Civil Protection, and it is through it that the Department, together with the Regions, ensures the coordination of the national warning system. In addition, consistent with the principle of subsidiarity, in cases where the decentralized functional centers are not active or are temporarily not operational, the Central Functional Center performs all operational tasks assigned to them.


Il Centro funzionale centrale e i Centri funzionali decentrati nelle Regioni e nelle Province autonome


Il Centro funzionale centrale e i Centri funzionali decentrati nelle Regioni e nelle Province autonome

\r\n"},"field_data":"2018-02-20T14:52:00+01:00","field_categoria_primaria":"approfondimento","field_codice_lingua":true,"fields":{"slug":"/approfondimento/network-functional-centres/"},"relationships":{"field_sottodominio":{"name":"Servizio Nazionale"},"field_immagine_anteprima":null,"field_immagine_dettaglio":null}},{"__typename":"node__approfondimento","title":"In the event of a landslide","field_titolo_esteso":"In the event of a landslide","body":{"processed":"

Remember that when there is a landslide there are no houses or walls to stop it. Only somewhere higher up will offer you safety.
Landslides often start moving all of a sudden, like mudslides: avoid going near areas where there have already been slips, especially during thunderstorms and heavy downpours.


What to do


Before a landslide
• Contact your local council to see if there are any risks of landslides in the domestic territory;
• From a safe position, carefully observe the land around you to see if there are signs of small landslides or slight alterations in the land: small changes in morphology can sometimes be considered as a forewarning of landslides;
• In some cases, cracks or fissures will appear in buildings and walls may tend to rotate or move before a landslide;
• Listen to the radio or watch TV for any warnings about bad weather. It is important to keep
• listening to the radio or watch TV during and after the event to follow developments;
• Keep away from watercourses or gullies where there could be a possibility of mud sliding down rapidly.


During a landslide
• If the landslide is coming towards you or is underneath you, get away as quickly as possible and try to reach higher or anyhow safer ground;
• If you can’t escape then curl yourself up into a ball and protect your head;
• Always look towards the landslide being careful of not be hit by stones or other objects as they bounce down;
• Never stop under poles or pylons: they could collapse or fall down;
• Never go near the edge of a landslide, it’s unstable;
• If you are driving along a road and you come up against a landslide that has just fallen, try to warn any other cars approaching about the danger.


After a landslide
• Go away from the landslide area. There might be a risk of other slips or landslides;
• Look to see if anyone is injured or trapped in the landslide area, without going there yourself. If so tell the rescue workers about these people;
• Check to see if anyone needs assistance, especially children, older people or disabled persons;
• Landslides can often disrupt electricity lines, gas and water mains as well as roads and railways. Report any interruptions to the competent authorities;
• If any gas is escaping from an apartment building, do NOT enter to turn it off. Check for a gas cock outside the building, if there is one turn it off. Report this to the Fire Brigade or other qualified personnel.






Remember that when there is a landslide there are no houses or walls to stop it. Only somewhere higher up will offer you safety.
Landslides often start moving all of a sudden, like mudslides: avoid going near areas where there have already been slips, especially during thunderstorms and heavy downpours.

What to do

Before a landslide
• Contact your local council to see if there are any risks of landslides in the domestic territory;
• From a safe position, carefully observe the land around you to see if there are signs of small landslides or slight alterations in the land: small changes in morphology can sometimes be considered as a forewarning of landslides;
• In some cases, cracks or fissures will appear in buildings and walls may tend to rotate or move before a landslide;
• Listen to the radio or watch TV for any warnings about bad weather. It is important to keep
• listening to the radio or watch TV during and after the event to follow developments;
• Keep away from watercourses or gullies where there could be a possibility of mud sliding down rapidly.

During a landslide
• If the landslide is coming towards you or is underneath you, get away as quickly as possible and try to reach higher or anyhow safer ground;
• If you can’t escape then curl yourself up into a ball and protect your head;
• Always look towards the landslide being careful of not be hit by stones or other objects as they bounce down;
• Never stop under poles or pylons: they could collapse or fall down;
• Never go near the edge of a landslide, it’s unstable;
• If you are driving along a road and you come up against a landslide that has just fallen, try to warn any other cars approaching about the danger.

After a landslide
• Go away from the landslide area. There might be a risk of other slips or landslides;
• Look to see if anyone is injured or trapped in the landslide area, without going there yourself. If so tell the rescue workers about these people;
• Check to see if anyone needs assistance, especially children, older people or disabled persons;
• Landslides can often disrupt electricity lines, gas and water mains as well as roads and railways. Report any interruptions to the competent authorities;
• If any gas is escaping from an apartment building, do NOT enter to turn it off. Check for a gas cock outside the building, if there is one turn it off. Report this to the Fire Brigade or other qualified personnel.



"},"field_abstract":null,"field_data":"2016-07-26T14:55:53+02:00","field_categoria_primaria":"approfondimento","field_codice_lingua":true,"fields":{"slug":"/approfondimento/in-the-event-of-a-landslide/"},"relationships":{"field_sottodominio":{"name":"Portale"},"field_immagine_anteprima":null,"field_immagine_dettaglio":null}}]},"drupal_internal__id":16348},{"field_titolo":"Snow and frost","field_tabella":null,"field_testo":{"processed":"

When temperatures in the lower layers of the atmosphere get close to zero, rainfall assumes the form of snow, and depending on the intensity and persistence of the phenomenon, it can accumulate substantially on the ground, impeding traffic flow. The phenomenon can also affect vast areas, involving people and activities.


In addition, following snowfall, in some situations, temperatures fall well below zero, resulting in dangerous ice sheets on roads and sidewalks, posing an even greater risk than the snowpack for the stability and grip of vehicles and the balance of people. 


When temperatures in the lower layers of the atmosphere get close to zero, rainfall assumes the form of snow, and depending on the intensity and persistence of the phenomenon, it can accumulate substantially on the ground, impeding traffic flow. The phenomenon can also affect vast areas, involving people and activities.


In addition, following snowfall, in some situations, temperatures fall well below zero, resulting in dangerous ice sheets on roads and sidewalks, posing an even greater risk than the snowpack for the stability and grip of vehicles and the balance of people. 

\r\n"},"relationships":{"field_immagine":null,"field_video":null,"field_link_interni":[{"__typename":"node__approfondimento","title":"Network of Functional Centres","field_titolo_esteso":"Network of Functional Centres","body":{"processed":"

The network of functional centers consists of the Central Functional Center, located at the Department of Civil Protection, and decentralized functional centers located in the regions and autonomous provinces. Each functional center focuses on forecasting, monitoring and surveillance of weather phenomena in real time with the consequent assessment of the expected effects on people and things in a given territory, contributing, together with the Department of Civil Protection and the Regions, to the management of the National Alerting System.


The activity of the network of functional centers. Each functional center has the task of collecting and sharing with the entire network of Centers a series of data and information from different technological platforms and a dense network of sensors placed on the national territory. Specifically:


On the basis of these data and modelling, the Functional Centres elaborate the probabilistically expected scenarios, also through the use of forecasting models of the effects on the territory. On the basis of these evaluations, the Functional Centres issue bulletins and warnings in which both the evolution of the phenomena and the expected criticality levels on the territory are reported.


The Central Functional Center. The Central Functional Center is located at the operational headquarters of the Department of Civil Protection, and it is through it that the Department, together with the Regions, ensures the coordination of the national warning system. In addition, consistent with the principle of subsidiarity, in cases where the decentralized functional centers are not active or are temporarily not operational, the Central Functional Center performs all operational tasks assigned to them.


The network of functional centers consists of the Central Functional Center, located at the Department of Civil Protection, and decentralized functional centers located in the regions and autonomous provinces. Each functional center focuses on forecasting, monitoring and surveillance of weather phenomena in real time with the consequent assessment of the expected effects on people and things in a given territory, contributing, together with the Department of Civil Protection and the Regions, to the management of the National Alerting System.


The activity of the network of functional centers. Each functional center has the task of collecting and sharing with the entire network of Centers a series of data and information from different technological platforms and a dense network of sensors placed on the national territory. Specifically:


On the basis of these data and modelling, the Functional Centres elaborate the probabilistically expected scenarios, also through the use of forecasting models of the effects on the territory. On the basis of these evaluations, the Functional Centres issue bulletins and warnings in which both the evolution of the phenomena and the expected criticality levels on the territory are reported.


The Central Functional Center. The Central Functional Center is located at the operational headquarters of the Department of Civil Protection, and it is through it that the Department, together with the Regions, ensures the coordination of the national warning system. In addition, consistent with the principle of subsidiarity, in cases where the decentralized functional centers are not active or are temporarily not operational, the Central Functional Center performs all operational tasks assigned to them.


Il Centro funzionale centrale e i Centri funzionali decentrati nelle Regioni e nelle Province autonome


Il Centro funzionale centrale e i Centri funzionali decentrati nelle Regioni e nelle Province autonome

\r\n"},"field_data":"2018-02-20T14:52:00+01:00","field_categoria_primaria":"approfondimento","field_codice_lingua":true,"fields":{"slug":"/approfondimento/network-functional-centres/"},"relationships":{"field_sottodominio":{"name":"Servizio Nazionale"},"field_immagine_anteprima":null,"field_immagine_dettaglio":null}},{"__typename":"node__approfondimento","title":"Snow and frost - Are you prepared?","field_titolo_esteso":"Snow and frost - Are you prepared?","body":{"processed":"

\n- It is wise to get the necessary equipment against snow and frost or check its condition: shovel and salt supplies are essential tools for your home or business.
\n- Pay attention to your car, which, in winter more than ever, must be ready to face snow and ice.
\n- Mount snow tires, recommended for winter travel in areas with low temperatures, or carry snow chains, preferably quick-fit.
\n- Do some trial fitting of chains; it's better to learn how to use them first than to find yourself in trouble under heavy snowfall.
\n- Check that there is antifreeze fluid in the radiator water.
\n- Check the condition of the battery and the efficiency of the wiper blades
\n- Don't forget to keep ignition cables, pliers, flashlight and work gloves in the car


\n- Check the load-bearing capacity of your building's roof (house, shed, or other structure). Accumulation of snow and ice could cause roof collapses.
\n- Take care to remove snow from your private access or driveway. Please don't throw it out into the street; you could get in the way of snow vehicles' work.
\n- Avoid using your car when it snows and leave it in the garage if you can. By decreasing traffic and the number of vehicles parked on roads and public areas, you will facilitate snow removal operations.
\n- If you are forced to take your car, follow these small rules:


•  Clear the car entirely and not just the windows of snow.
\n•  Keep your lights on to make yourself more visible on the road, maintain a low speed, and use low gears to avoid braking as much as possible. Instead, favor the use of engine braking.
\n•  Avoid sharp maneuvers and sudden turns.
\n•  Accelerate gently and increase the safety distance from the vehicle before you.
\n•  Remember that when going uphill, it is crucial to proceed without ever stopping. Once stopped, it is difficult to restart, and forcing your car to stop can impede the transit of other vehicles.
\n•  Park your car properly so that it does not obstruct the work of snow vehicles.
\n•  Pay special attention to snow slabs that can come off the roofs, especially in the thawing phase.
\n•  Do not use two-wheel vehicles.


\n- Remember that ice may form on roads and sidewalks after a snowfall. Pay attention to the road surface and drive with particular caution.
\n- If you are walking, carefully choose your shoes to avoid slips and falls and move cautiously.
\n- When winter is approaching, inform yourself about the developing weather situation by listening to the local or radio news.


\r\n- It is wise to get the necessary equipment against snow and frost or check its condition: shovel and salt supplies are essential tools for your home or business.
\r\n- Pay attention to your car, which, in winter more than ever, must be ready to face snow and ice.
\r\n- Mount snow tires, recommended for winter travel in areas with low temperatures, or carry snow chains, preferably quick-fit.
\r\n- Do some trial fitting of chains; it's better to learn how to use them first than to find yourself in trouble under heavy snowfall.
\r\n- Check that there is antifreeze fluid in the radiator water.
\r\n- Check the condition of the battery and the efficiency of the wiper blades
\r\n- Don't forget to keep ignition cables, pliers, flashlight and work gloves in the car


\r\n- Check the load-bearing capacity of your building's roof (house, shed, or other structure). Accumulation of snow and ice could cause roof collapses.
\r\n- Take care to remove snow from your private access or driveway. Please don't throw it out into the street; you could get in the way of snow vehicles' work.
\r\n- Avoid using your car when it snows and leave it in the garage if you can. By decreasing traffic and the number of vehicles parked on roads and public areas, you will facilitate snow removal operations.
\r\n- If you are forced to take your car, follow these small rules:


•  Clear the car entirely and not just the windows of snow.
\r\n•  Keep your lights on to make yourself more visible on the road, maintain a low speed, and use low gears to avoid braking as much as possible. Instead, favor the use of engine braking.
\r\n•  Avoid sharp maneuvers and sudden turns.
\r\n•  Accelerate gently and increase the safety distance from the vehicle before you.
\r\n•  Remember that when going uphill, it is crucial to proceed without ever stopping. Once stopped, it is difficult to restart, and forcing your car to stop can impede the transit of other vehicles.
\r\n•  Park your car properly so that it does not obstruct the work of snow vehicles.
\r\n•  Pay special attention to snow slabs that can come off the roofs, especially in the thawing phase.
\r\n•  Do not use two-wheel vehicles.


\r\n- Remember that ice may form on roads and sidewalks after a snowfall. Pay attention to the road surface and drive with particular caution.
\r\n- If you are walking, carefully choose your shoes to avoid slips and falls and move cautiously.
\r\n- When winter is approaching, inform yourself about the developing weather situation by listening to the local or radio news.


Heatwaves are extreme weather conditions during the summer, characterized by high temperatures above usual values that can last for days or weeks. 


The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has not made any standard definition of a heatwave, and in several countries, the definition is based on the exceeding of threshold temperature values defined by identifying the highest values observed in the historical series of data recorded in a specific area. 


A heatwave is determined by the climatic conditions of a specific area. Therefore, defining a temperature-threshold risk valid for all latitudes is impossible. 


In addition to temperature and relative humidity values, heatwaves are defined by their length. Indeed, it has been proven that prolonged periods of extreme weather conditions have a more significant health impact than isolated days with the same weather conditions. 


Heatwave bulletins. For 2012, the Ministry of Health is coordinating the National forecasting and warning system to prevent the effects of heatwaves on the population. Heatwave bulletins for the 27 cities and information on how to protect yourself from the health effects of heat are available in the heatwave section of the Ministry of Health website. 


Active from May 15 to Sept. 15, the system is deployed in 27 Italian cities (Ancona, Bari, Bologna, Bolzano, Brescia, Cagliari, Campobasso, Catania, Civitavecchia, Firenze, Frosinone, Genova, Latina, Messina, Milano, Napoli, Palermo, Perugia, Pescara, Reggio Calabria, Rieti, Roma, Torino, Trieste, Venezia, Verona, Viterbo). From 2004, the activation date, to 2011, the Civil Protection Department coordinated the system. 


Heatwaves are extreme weather conditions during the summer, characterized by high temperatures above usual values that can last for days or weeks. 


The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has not made any standard definition of a heatwave, and in several countries, the definition is based on the exceeding of threshold temperature values defined by identifying the highest values observed in the historical series of data recorded in a specific area. 


A heatwave is determined by the climatic conditions of a specific area. Therefore, defining a temperature-threshold risk valid for all latitudes is impossible. 


In addition to temperature and relative humidity values, heatwaves are defined by their length. Indeed, it has been proven that prolonged periods of extreme weather conditions have a more significant health impact than isolated days with the same weather conditions. 


Heatwave bulletins. For 2012, the Ministry of Health is coordinating the National forecasting and warning system to prevent the effects of heatwaves on the population. Heatwave bulletins for the 27 cities and information on how to protect yourself from the health effects of heat are available in the heatwave section of the Ministry of Health website. 


Active from May 15 to Sept. 15, the system is deployed in 27 Italian cities (Ancona, Bari, Bologna, Bolzano, Brescia, Cagliari, Campobasso, Catania, Civitavecchia, Firenze, Frosinone, Genova, Latina, Messina, Milano, Napoli, Palermo, Perugia, Pescara, Reggio Calabria, Rieti, Roma, Torino, Trieste, Venezia, Verona, Viterbo). From 2004, the activation date, to 2011, the Civil Protection Department coordinated the system. 

\r\n"},"relationships":{"field_immagine":null,"field_video":null,"field_link_interni":[{"__typename":"node__approfondimento","title":"In the event of heatwaves","field_titolo_esteso":"In the event of heatwaves","body":{"processed":"

Heat leads to health problems as it alters the body's temperature regulation system. Usually, the body cools itself by sweating, but under certain environmental conditions, this mechanism is insufficient. If, for example, humidity is very high, sweat evaporates slowly. Thus, the body does not cool efficiently, and body temperature can rise so high that vital organs are damaged. A person's ability to thermoregulate is affected by age, health conditions, and medication intake. Those at risk are the elderly or non-self-sufficient, people who regularly take medications, babies and young children, and those who exercise or do intense work outdoors.


For this reason, during days when a high risk of heat waves is expected and for the next 24 to 36 hours, we advise you to follow these simple rules:


Heat leads to health problems as it alters the body's temperature regulation system. Usually, the body cools itself by sweating, but under certain environmental conditions, this mechanism is insufficient. If, for example, humidity is very high, sweat evaporates slowly. Thus, the body does not cool efficiently, and body temperature can rise so high that vital organs are damaged. A person's ability to thermoregulate is affected by age, health conditions, and medication intake. Those at risk are the elderly or non-self-sufficient, people who regularly take medications, babies and young children, and those who exercise or do intense work outdoors.


For this reason, during days when a high risk of heat waves is expected and for the next 24 to 36 hours, we advise you to follow these simple rules:

\r\n\r\n\r\n"},"field_abstract":null,"field_data":"2016-07-31T12:26:00+02:00","field_categoria_primaria":"approfondimento","field_codice_lingua":true,"fields":{"slug":"/approfondimento/event-heatwaves/"},"relationships":{"field_sottodominio":{"name":"Portale"},"field_immagine_anteprima":null,"field_immagine_dettaglio":null}}]},"drupal_internal__id":16350},{"field_titolo":"Rain and hail showers","field_tabella":null,"field_testo":{"processed":"

The rainfall associated with a thunderstorm is characterized by rapid and considerable variations in intensity in space and time. Concentrating substantial amounts of water in a short time over relatively small areas can result in heavy showers that occur extremely irregularly and discontinuously over the territory. 


Risks connected with rain showers. The typically impulsive nature makes rain showers a significant risk, first and foremost in terms of the immediate and sudden repercussions they can have on the territory, undermining the stability of slopes, triggering surface landslides, mudflows, and landslips that can even involve the roadway, and rapidly swelling streams and minor watercourses, which, especially in the summer season, can go from a dry state to a flooded state in a very short time, without prior notice. The bed of a stream in a lean state (or even in a dry state, looking like a barren expanse of rocks) can suddenly turn into a rushing stream of water, capable of dragging things and people with it, as a result of a storm that perhaps developed in the upstream area, without necessarily involving the area where the river is located and thus making the event even more unexpected. 


Hail showers. Under special conditions, when the temperature difference between the ground and the upper layers of the atmosphere is very high, thunderstorm clouds result in hail showers, i.e., the downfall of ice grains, which in some cases can reach considerable size, enough to damage the sheet metal of a car and endanger the safety of people. 


The rainfall associated with a thunderstorm is characterized by rapid and considerable variations in intensity in space and time. Concentrating substantial amounts of water in a short time over relatively small areas can result in heavy showers that occur extremely irregularly and discontinuously over the territory. 


Risks connected with rain showers. The typically impulsive nature makes rain showers a significant risk, first and foremost in terms of the immediate and sudden repercussions they can have on the territory, undermining the stability of slopes, triggering surface landslides, mudflows, and landslips that can even involve the roadway, and rapidly swelling streams and minor watercourses, which, especially in the summer season, can go from a dry state to a flooded state in a very short time, without prior notice. The bed of a stream in a lean state (or even in a dry state, looking like a barren expanse of rocks) can suddenly turn into a rushing stream of water, capable of dragging things and people with it, as a result of a storm that perhaps developed in the upstream area, without necessarily involving the area where the river is located and thus making the event even more unexpected. 


Hail showers. Under special conditions, when the temperature difference between the ground and the upper layers of the atmosphere is very high, thunderstorm clouds result in hail showers, i.e., the downfall of ice grains, which in some cases can reach considerable size, enough to damage the sheet metal of a car and endanger the safety of people. 

\r\n"},"relationships":{"field_immagine":null,"field_video":null,"field_link_interni":[{"__typename":"node__approfondimento","title":"Network of Functional Centres","field_titolo_esteso":"Network of Functional Centres","body":{"processed":"

The network of functional centers consists of the Central Functional Center, located at the Department of Civil Protection, and decentralized functional centers located in the regions and autonomous provinces. Each functional center focuses on forecasting, monitoring and surveillance of weather phenomena in real time with the consequent assessment of the expected effects on people and things in a given territory, contributing, together with the Department of Civil Protection and the Regions, to the management of the National Alerting System.


The activity of the network of functional centers. Each functional center has the task of collecting and sharing with the entire network of Centers a series of data and information from different technological platforms and a dense network of sensors placed on the national territory. Specifically:


On the basis of these data and modelling, the Functional Centres elaborate the probabilistically expected scenarios, also through the use of forecasting models of the effects on the territory. On the basis of these evaluations, the Functional Centres issue bulletins and warnings in which both the evolution of the phenomena and the expected criticality levels on the territory are reported.


The Central Functional Center. The Central Functional Center is located at the operational headquarters of the Department of Civil Protection, and it is through it that the Department, together with the Regions, ensures the coordination of the national warning system. In addition, consistent with the principle of subsidiarity, in cases where the decentralized functional centers are not active or are temporarily not operational, the Central Functional Center performs all operational tasks assigned to them.


The network of functional centers consists of the Central Functional Center, located at the Department of Civil Protection, and decentralized functional centers located in the regions and autonomous provinces. Each functional center focuses on forecasting, monitoring and surveillance of weather phenomena in real time with the consequent assessment of the expected effects on people and things in a given territory, contributing, together with the Department of Civil Protection and the Regions, to the management of the National Alerting System.


The activity of the network of functional centers. Each functional center has the task of collecting and sharing with the entire network of Centers a series of data and information from different technological platforms and a dense network of sensors placed on the national territory. Specifically:


On the basis of these data and modelling, the Functional Centres elaborate the probabilistically expected scenarios, also through the use of forecasting models of the effects on the territory. On the basis of these evaluations, the Functional Centres issue bulletins and warnings in which both the evolution of the phenomena and the expected criticality levels on the territory are reported.


The Central Functional Center. The Central Functional Center is located at the operational headquarters of the Department of Civil Protection, and it is through it that the Department, together with the Regions, ensures the coordination of the national warning system. In addition, consistent with the principle of subsidiarity, in cases where the decentralized functional centers are not active or are temporarily not operational, the Central Functional Center performs all operational tasks assigned to them.


Il Centro funzionale centrale e i Centri funzionali decentrati nelle Regioni e nelle Province autonome


Il Centro funzionale centrale e i Centri funzionali decentrati nelle Regioni e nelle Province autonome

\r\n"},"field_data":"2018-02-20T14:52:00+01:00","field_categoria_primaria":"approfondimento","field_codice_lingua":true,"fields":{"slug":"/approfondimento/network-functional-centres/"},"relationships":{"field_sottodominio":{"name":"Servizio Nazionale"},"field_immagine_anteprima":null,"field_immagine_dettaglio":null}},{"__typename":"node__approfondimento","title":"In the event of rain and hail showers","field_titolo_esteso":"In the event of rain and hail showers","body":{"processed":"



When conducting activities near a stream (even a picnic) or choosing an area for a campsite:


•  Choose an area at a proper distance from the stream bed, adequately elevated above the stream level, and far enough away from steep or unsteady slopes: intense rain showers could trigger sudden ground movements.


In urban areas


Most typical critical issues are related to the sewer system's inability to drain considerable amounts of water in a tight time frame, resulting in sudden flooding of roads. Therefore:


•  Be careful when passing underpasses; there is a risk of finding yourself with your vehicle half-submerged or submerged in water;
\n•  Avoid going to rooms such as basements, low floors, and garages; they are at high risk of flooding during intense rain showers.


In particular, when driving:


•  Even without flooding, asphalt suddenly made slippery by rain presents a dangerous hazard to drivers of motor vehicles or motorcycles, reducing road holding and the braking system's efficiency;
\n•  Limit speed or stop, waiting for the most intense phase of the storm to fade, which rarely lasts more than half an hour. Simply waiting briefly at a rest area is sufficient. During the most intense phase of a shower, visibility is significantly reduced.


In the presence of hail, the traffic warnings already mentioned for rain showers apply, concerning the consequences for the slippery state of the road surface and severe reductions in visibility. The duration of a hailstorm is usually relatively short.




When conducting activities near a stream (even a picnic) or choosing an area for a campsite:


•  Choose an area at a proper distance from the stream bed, adequately elevated above the stream level, and far enough away from steep or unsteady slopes: intense rain showers could trigger sudden ground movements.


In urban areas


Most typical critical issues are related to the sewer system's inability to drain considerable amounts of water in a tight time frame, resulting in sudden flooding of roads. Therefore:


•  Be careful when passing underpasses; there is a risk of finding yourself with your vehicle half-submerged or submerged in water;
\r\n•  Avoid going to rooms such as basements, low floors, and garages; they are at high risk of flooding during intense rain showers.


In particular, when driving:


•  Even without flooding, asphalt suddenly made slippery by rain presents a dangerous hazard to drivers of motor vehicles or motorcycles, reducing road holding and the braking system's efficiency;
\r\n•  Limit speed or stop, waiting for the most intense phase of the storm to fade, which rarely lasts more than half an hour. Simply waiting briefly at a rest area is sufficient. During the most intense phase of a shower, visibility is significantly reduced.


In the presence of hail, the traffic warnings already mentioned for rain showers apply, concerning the consequences for the slippery state of the road surface and severe reductions in visibility. The duration of a hailstorm is usually relatively short.


This phenomenon, which can involve territories of variable extent, is generally caused by geological causes. Still, in recent decades, it has been locally worsened by human action and reached more significant dimensions than those of natural origin. 


Subsidence. Produced or aggravated by human actions, they can be caused by groundwater withdrawal, gas or oil extraction, loading of significant artifacts, solids extraction, etc. In this case, the total values can be up to a few meters. Natural subsidence is caused by several factors: tectonic movements, cooling of magmas within the earth's crust, compaction of sediments, etc.; natural-type vertical movements can reach values of a few millimeters per year. 


Sinkholes. Sinkholes are a problem that only resembles subsidence to a certain extent, but contrary to the former, it has essential repercussions on civil protection. These phenomena are caused by natural cavities in the subsurface and cavities created by man since ancient times (underground quarries, places used for various purposes, deposits, waterworks, sewage pipes, drains, etc.). 


In Italy. Progressive subsidence phenomena have occurred along the Adriatic coastline from Rimini to Venice in our country, especially around the Po estuary, but also around urban agglomerates such as Milan, Bologna, and Modena: above all in the latter areas due to extracting water from the subsurface. More recent cases have been reported in Puglia, Piana di Sibari, and Pianura Pontina. Moreover, there are frequent instability problems caused by underground cavities, often causing considerable material damage and, in many cases, even the loss of human lives in Italy. 


Prevention. Underground cavity-related risk is prevalent in large built-up areas where the action of human beings has resulted in creating holes in the subsurface, mostly long lost and forgotten, above all due to the uncontrolled growth of built-up areas over the last few decades. Preventive-related measures to be implemented consist of the correct management of water resources, avoiding excessive withdrawal from the aquifers, and disciplined planning of the extractive activities. 


This phenomenon, which can involve territories of variable extent, is generally caused by geological causes. Still, in recent decades, it has been locally worsened by human action and reached more significant dimensions than those of natural origin. 


Subsidence. Produced or aggravated by human actions, they can be caused by groundwater withdrawal, gas or oil extraction, loading of significant artifacts, solids extraction, etc. In this case, the total values can be up to a few meters. Natural subsidence is caused by several factors: tectonic movements, cooling of magmas within the earth's crust, compaction of sediments, etc.; natural-type vertical movements can reach values of a few millimeters per year. 


Sinkholes. Sinkholes are a problem that only resembles subsidence to a certain extent, but contrary to the former, it has essential repercussions on civil protection. These phenomena are caused by natural cavities in the subsurface and cavities created by man since ancient times (underground quarries, places used for various purposes, deposits, waterworks, sewage pipes, drains, etc.). 


In Italy. Progressive subsidence phenomena have occurred along the Adriatic coastline from Rimini to Venice in our country, especially around the Po estuary, but also around urban agglomerates such as Milan, Bologna, and Modena: above all in the latter areas due to extracting water from the subsurface. More recent cases have been reported in Puglia, Piana di Sibari, and Pianura Pontina. Moreover, there are frequent instability problems caused by underground cavities, often causing considerable material damage and, in many cases, even the loss of human lives in Italy. 


Prevention. Underground cavity-related risk is prevalent in large built-up areas where the action of human beings has resulted in creating holes in the subsurface, mostly long lost and forgotten, above all due to the uncontrolled growth of built-up areas over the last few decades. Preventive-related measures to be implemented consist of the correct management of water resources, avoiding excessive withdrawal from the aquifers, and disciplined planning of the extractive activities. 

\r\n"},"relationships":{"field_immagine":null,"field_video":null,"field_link_interni":[{"__typename":"node__approfondimento","title":"Network of Functional Centres","field_titolo_esteso":"Network of Functional Centres","body":{"processed":"

The network of functional centers consists of the Central Functional Center, located at the Department of Civil Protection, and decentralized functional centers located in the regions and autonomous provinces. Each functional center focuses on forecasting, monitoring and surveillance of weather phenomena in real time with the consequent assessment of the expected effects on people and things in a given territory, contributing, together with the Department of Civil Protection and the Regions, to the management of the National Alerting System.


The activity of the network of functional centers. Each functional center has the task of collecting and sharing with the entire network of Centers a series of data and information from different technological platforms and a dense network of sensors placed on the national territory. Specifically:


On the basis of these data and modelling, the Functional Centres elaborate the probabilistically expected scenarios, also through the use of forecasting models of the effects on the territory. On the basis of these evaluations, the Functional Centres issue bulletins and warnings in which both the evolution of the phenomena and the expected criticality levels on the territory are reported.


The Central Functional Center. The Central Functional Center is located at the operational headquarters of the Department of Civil Protection, and it is through it that the Department, together with the Regions, ensures the coordination of the national warning system. In addition, consistent with the principle of subsidiarity, in cases where the decentralized functional centers are not active or are temporarily not operational, the Central Functional Center performs all operational tasks assigned to them.


The network of functional centers consists of the Central Functional Center, located at the Department of Civil Protection, and decentralized functional centers located in the regions and autonomous provinces. Each functional center focuses on forecasting, monitoring and surveillance of weather phenomena in real time with the consequent assessment of the expected effects on people and things in a given territory, contributing, together with the Department of Civil Protection and the Regions, to the management of the National Alerting System.


The activity of the network of functional centers. Each functional center has the task of collecting and sharing with the entire network of Centers a series of data and information from different technological platforms and a dense network of sensors placed on the national territory. Specifically:


On the basis of these data and modelling, the Functional Centres elaborate the probabilistically expected scenarios, also through the use of forecasting models of the effects on the territory. On the basis of these evaluations, the Functional Centres issue bulletins and warnings in which both the evolution of the phenomena and the expected criticality levels on the territory are reported.


The Central Functional Center. The Central Functional Center is located at the operational headquarters of the Department of Civil Protection, and it is through it that the Department, together with the Regions, ensures the coordination of the national warning system. In addition, consistent with the principle of subsidiarity, in cases where the decentralized functional centers are not active or are temporarily not operational, the Central Functional Center performs all operational tasks assigned to them.


Il Centro funzionale centrale e i Centri funzionali decentrati nelle Regioni e nelle Province autonome


Il Centro funzionale centrale e i Centri funzionali decentrati nelle Regioni e nelle Province autonome

\r\n"},"field_data":"2018-02-20T14:52:00+01:00","field_categoria_primaria":"approfondimento","field_codice_lingua":true,"fields":{"slug":"/approfondimento/network-functional-centres/"},"relationships":{"field_sottodominio":{"name":"Servizio Nazionale"},"field_immagine_anteprima":null,"field_immagine_dettaglio":null}},{"__typename":"node__approfondimento","title":"Central Functional Centre","field_titolo_esteso":"Central Functional Centre","body":{"processed":"

The activation of the Central Functional Centre is provided for by the Directive of 27 February 2004 that sets out the \"Operational guidelines for the organizational and functional management of the national, state and regional warning system for hydrogeological and hydraulic risk for the purposes of civil protection\". The structure is located in Rome, at the operational headquarters of the Department of Civil Protection.




\nIt performs both forecasting activities, monitoring and surveillance of meteo-hydrogeological and hydraulic events and their impact on the territory so as to define risk scenarios, or to assess the impact that these events could have on the integrity of life, property, settlements and environment.  The Central Functional Centre plays a leading role in the general coordination of the network of Functional Centers and can replace the tasks and functions of inactive decentralized functional centers, on request of concerned regions.


Forecasting activities


\nThe Central Functional Center is operational 24/7 and is divided into a weather sector and a hydrogeological and hydraulic sector. In particular, it produces weather forecasts for civil protection purposes. Specifically forecasts of weather phenomena that may have an impact on the territory (for hydrogeological or hydraulic risk, or for situations concerning road and sea traffic) or on the population. Accordingly, the Bulletin of National Meteorological Vigilance is produced every day. A document that reports the situations in which one or more meteorological parameters are expected to exceed certain thresholds of attention or alarm. When the forecasts indicate phenomena of particular relevance at supra-regional level, considering the evaluations of decentralized functional centers, the weather division of the Central Functional Center releases national weather warnings. 


\nEach Functional Center performs an assessment of the possible occurrence, or evolve, of effects on the ground (landslides and floods) as a result of expected or ongoing weather events. These evaluations are concerted and collected by the hydrogeological and hydraulic division of the Central Functional Center in the criticality Bullettin released every day to the Decentralized Functional Centers of the Regions and the Ministries of Interior, Agriculture, Infrastructure and Transport and Environment so that they in turn give information to their operational structures.


Monitoring and surveillance activities


The Central Functional Center of the Department also carries out hydropluviometric and radarmeteorological monitoring and surveillance activities on the national territory, supporting the Decentralized Functional Centers. In particular, it provides for the collection and integration of the information produced by the existing meteorological radar systems on the national territory.


The activation of the Central Functional Centre is provided for by the Directive of 27 February 2004 that sets out the \"Operational guidelines for the organizational and functional management of the national, state and regional warning system for hydrogeological and hydraulic risk for the purposes of civil protection\". The structure is located in Rome, at the operational headquarters of the Department of Civil Protection.




\r\nIt performs both forecasting activities, monitoring and surveillance of meteo-hydrogeological and hydraulic events and their impact on the territory so as to define risk scenarios, or to assess the impact that these events could have on the integrity of life, property, settlements and environment.  The Central Functional Centre plays a leading role in the general coordination of the network of Functional Centers and can replace the tasks and functions of inactive decentralized functional centers, on request of concerned regions.


\r\nForecasting activities


\r\nThe Central Functional Center is operational 24/7 and is divided into a weather sector and a hydrogeological and hydraulic sector. In particular, it produces weather forecasts for civil protection purposes. Specifically forecasts of weather phenomena that may have an impact on the territory (for hydrogeological or hydraulic risk, or for situations concerning road and sea traffic) or on the population. Accordingly, the Bulletin of National Meteorological Vigilance is produced every day. A document that reports the situations in which one or more meteorological parameters are expected to exceed certain thresholds of attention or alarm. When the forecasts indicate phenomena of particular relevance at supra-regional level, considering the evaluations of decentralized functional centers, the weather division of the Central Functional Center releases national weather warnings. 


\r\nEach Functional Center performs an assessment of the possible occurrence, or evolve, of effects on the ground (landslides and floods) as a result of expected or ongoing weather events. These evaluations are concerted and collected by the hydrogeological and hydraulic division of the Central Functional Center in the criticality Bullettin released every day to the Decentralized Functional Centers of the Regions and the Ministries of Interior, Agriculture, Infrastructure and Transport and Environment so that they in turn give information to their operational structures.


\r\nMonitoring and surveillance activities


The Central Functional Center of the Department also carries out hydropluviometric and radarmeteorological monitoring and surveillance activities on the national territory, supporting the Decentralized Functional Centers. In particular, it provides for the collection and integration of the information produced by the existing meteorological radar systems on the national territory.





\r\n"},"field_data":"2018-01-10T10:42:00+01:00","field_categoria_primaria":"approfondimento","field_codice_lingua":true,"fields":{"slug":"/meteo-hydro/activities/central-functional-centre/"},"relationships":{"field_sottodominio":{"name":"Rischi"},"field_immagine_anteprima":null,"field_immagine_dettaglio":null}}]},"drupal_internal__id":16352},{"field_titolo":"Thunderstorms and lightning","field_tabella":null,"field_testo":{"processed":"

Thunderstorm refers to a set of phenomena that develop, typically concurrently, in massive, swollen-looking, vertically developing storm clouds called cumulonimbus clouds. These phenomena occur in relatively small areas, with rapid and sudden development and almost always significant intensity, often with violence. These features, along with the high degree of unpredictability of this type of phenomena and the lack of possibility of determining their location and timing of evolution, make thunderstorms a danger involving multiple risks, some of extreme importance. 


Thunderstorm-related dangers. These can be attributed to the three types of weather phenomena associated with thunderstorm clouds: 


•  Lightning strikes, which are sudden electrical discharges from the cloud reaching the ground, accompanied by the luminous manifestation of lightning and followed in our perception by the rumble of thunder; 
\n•  Gusts, i.e., brief intensifications of wind speed on the ground that occur impulsively and suddenly;
\n•  Showers, i.e., intense rainfall generally of short duration, are characterized by an often sudden beginning and end and rapid and considerable intensity changes. Depending on thermodynamic conditions, the showers may be rain, hail, or snow. 


In particular meteorological and environmental situations, the thunderstorm is the site of the formation of a tornado. This phenomenon is as short-lived and localized as it is intense and destructive. It is recognizable by the funnel-shaped cloud descending from the cumulonimbus to the ground and can activate extreme instant wind intensities. When a similar vortex is triggered on the sea surface, we speak of a waterspout, a shorter-duration phenomenon that can reach the coastline with equally dangerous effects. 


Lightning is the most fearsome danger associated with thunderstorms. Most lightning accidents occur outdoors: mountains are the most at risk, and so are all exposed places, particularly in the presence of water, such as beaches, piers, docks, and outdoor swimming pools. There is some risk associated with lightning, even indoors. A thundercloud can result in lightning even without necessarily bringing precipitation. 


Thunderstorm refers to a set of phenomena that develop, typically concurrently, in massive, swollen-looking, vertically developing storm clouds called cumulonimbus clouds. These phenomena occur in relatively small areas, with rapid and sudden development and almost always significant intensity, often with violence. These features, along with the high degree of unpredictability of this type of phenomena and the lack of possibility of determining their location and timing of evolution, make thunderstorms a danger involving multiple risks, some of extreme importance. 


Thunderstorm-related dangers. These can be attributed to the three types of weather phenomena associated with thunderstorm clouds: 


•  Lightning strikes, which are sudden electrical discharges from the cloud reaching the ground, accompanied by the luminous manifestation of lightning and followed in our perception by the rumble of thunder; 
\r\n•  Gusts, i.e., brief intensifications of wind speed on the ground that occur impulsively and suddenly;
\r\n•  Showers, i.e., intense rainfall generally of short duration, are characterized by an often sudden beginning and end and rapid and considerable intensity changes. Depending on thermodynamic conditions, the showers may be rain, hail, or snow. 


In particular meteorological and environmental situations, the thunderstorm is the site of the formation of a tornado. This phenomenon is as short-lived and localized as it is intense and destructive. It is recognizable by the funnel-shaped cloud descending from the cumulonimbus to the ground and can activate extreme instant wind intensities. When a similar vortex is triggered on the sea surface, we speak of a waterspout, a shorter-duration phenomenon that can reach the coastline with equally dangerous effects. 


Lightning is the most fearsome danger associated with thunderstorms. Most lightning accidents occur outdoors: mountains are the most at risk, and so are all exposed places, particularly in the presence of water, such as beaches, piers, docks, and outdoor swimming pools. There is some risk associated with lightning, even indoors. A thundercloud can result in lightning even without necessarily bringing precipitation. 

\r\n"},"relationships":{"field_immagine":null,"field_video":null,"field_link_interni":[{"__typename":"node__approfondimento","title":"Network of Functional Centres","field_titolo_esteso":"Network of Functional Centres","body":{"processed":"

The network of functional centers consists of the Central Functional Center, located at the Department of Civil Protection, and decentralized functional centers located in the regions and autonomous provinces. Each functional center focuses on forecasting, monitoring and surveillance of weather phenomena in real time with the consequent assessment of the expected effects on people and things in a given territory, contributing, together with the Department of Civil Protection and the Regions, to the management of the National Alerting System.


The activity of the network of functional centers. Each functional center has the task of collecting and sharing with the entire network of Centers a series of data and information from different technological platforms and a dense network of sensors placed on the national territory. Specifically:


On the basis of these data and modelling, the Functional Centres elaborate the probabilistically expected scenarios, also through the use of forecasting models of the effects on the territory. On the basis of these evaluations, the Functional Centres issue bulletins and warnings in which both the evolution of the phenomena and the expected criticality levels on the territory are reported.


The Central Functional Center. The Central Functional Center is located at the operational headquarters of the Department of Civil Protection, and it is through it that the Department, together with the Regions, ensures the coordination of the national warning system. In addition, consistent with the principle of subsidiarity, in cases where the decentralized functional centers are not active or are temporarily not operational, the Central Functional Center performs all operational tasks assigned to them.


The network of functional centers consists of the Central Functional Center, located at the Department of Civil Protection, and decentralized functional centers located in the regions and autonomous provinces. Each functional center focuses on forecasting, monitoring and surveillance of weather phenomena in real time with the consequent assessment of the expected effects on people and things in a given territory, contributing, together with the Department of Civil Protection and the Regions, to the management of the National Alerting System.


The activity of the network of functional centers. Each functional center has the task of collecting and sharing with the entire network of Centers a series of data and information from different technological platforms and a dense network of sensors placed on the national territory. Specifically:


On the basis of these data and modelling, the Functional Centres elaborate the probabilistically expected scenarios, also through the use of forecasting models of the effects on the territory. On the basis of these evaluations, the Functional Centres issue bulletins and warnings in which both the evolution of the phenomena and the expected criticality levels on the territory are reported.


The Central Functional Center. The Central Functional Center is located at the operational headquarters of the Department of Civil Protection, and it is through it that the Department, together with the Regions, ensures the coordination of the national warning system. In addition, consistent with the principle of subsidiarity, in cases where the decentralized functional centers are not active or are temporarily not operational, the Central Functional Center performs all operational tasks assigned to them.


Il Centro funzionale centrale e i Centri funzionali decentrati nelle Regioni e nelle Province autonome


Il Centro funzionale centrale e i Centri funzionali decentrati nelle Regioni e nelle Province autonome

\r\n"},"field_data":"2018-02-20T14:52:00+01:00","field_categoria_primaria":"approfondimento","field_codice_lingua":true,"fields":{"slug":"/approfondimento/network-functional-centres/"},"relationships":{"field_sottodominio":{"name":"Servizio Nazionale"},"field_immagine_anteprima":null,"field_immagine_dettaglio":null}},{"__typename":"node__approfondimento","title":"Central Functional Centre","field_titolo_esteso":"Central Functional Centre","body":{"processed":"

The activation of the Central Functional Centre is provided for by the Directive of 27 February 2004 that sets out the \"Operational guidelines for the organizational and functional management of the national, state and regional warning system for hydrogeological and hydraulic risk for the purposes of civil protection\". The structure is located in Rome, at the operational headquarters of the Department of Civil Protection.




\nIt performs both forecasting activities, monitoring and surveillance of meteo-hydrogeological and hydraulic events and their impact on the territory so as to define risk scenarios, or to assess the impact that these events could have on the integrity of life, property, settlements and environment.  The Central Functional Centre plays a leading role in the general coordination of the network of Functional Centers and can replace the tasks and functions of inactive decentralized functional centers, on request of concerned regions.


Forecasting activities


\nThe Central Functional Center is operational 24/7 and is divided into a weather sector and a hydrogeological and hydraulic sector. In particular, it produces weather forecasts for civil protection purposes. Specifically forecasts of weather phenomena that may have an impact on the territory (for hydrogeological or hydraulic risk, or for situations concerning road and sea traffic) or on the population. Accordingly, the Bulletin of National Meteorological Vigilance is produced every day. A document that reports the situations in which one or more meteorological parameters are expected to exceed certain thresholds of attention or alarm. When the forecasts indicate phenomena of particular relevance at supra-regional level, considering the evaluations of decentralized functional centers, the weather division of the Central Functional Center releases national weather warnings. 


\nEach Functional Center performs an assessment of the possible occurrence, or evolve, of effects on the ground (landslides and floods) as a result of expected or ongoing weather events. These evaluations are concerted and collected by the hydrogeological and hydraulic division of the Central Functional Center in the criticality Bullettin released every day to the Decentralized Functional Centers of the Regions and the Ministries of Interior, Agriculture, Infrastructure and Transport and Environment so that they in turn give information to their operational structures.


Monitoring and surveillance activities


The Central Functional Center of the Department also carries out hydropluviometric and radarmeteorological monitoring and surveillance activities on the national territory, supporting the Decentralized Functional Centers. In particular, it provides for the collection and integration of the information produced by the existing meteorological radar systems on the national territory.


The activation of the Central Functional Centre is provided for by the Directive of 27 February 2004 that sets out the \"Operational guidelines for the organizational and functional management of the national, state and regional warning system for hydrogeological and hydraulic risk for the purposes of civil protection\". The structure is located in Rome, at the operational headquarters of the Department of Civil Protection.




\r\nIt performs both forecasting activities, monitoring and surveillance of meteo-hydrogeological and hydraulic events and their impact on the territory so as to define risk scenarios, or to assess the impact that these events could have on the integrity of life, property, settlements and environment.  The Central Functional Centre plays a leading role in the general coordination of the network of Functional Centers and can replace the tasks and functions of inactive decentralized functional centers, on request of concerned regions.


\r\nForecasting activities


\r\nThe Central Functional Center is operational 24/7 and is divided into a weather sector and a hydrogeological and hydraulic sector. In particular, it produces weather forecasts for civil protection purposes. Specifically forecasts of weather phenomena that may have an impact on the territory (for hydrogeological or hydraulic risk, or for situations concerning road and sea traffic) or on the population. Accordingly, the Bulletin of National Meteorological Vigilance is produced every day. A document that reports the situations in which one or more meteorological parameters are expected to exceed certain thresholds of attention or alarm. When the forecasts indicate phenomena of particular relevance at supra-regional level, considering the evaluations of decentralized functional centers, the weather division of the Central Functional Center releases national weather warnings. 


\r\nEach Functional Center performs an assessment of the possible occurrence, or evolve, of effects on the ground (landslides and floods) as a result of expected or ongoing weather events. These evaluations are concerted and collected by the hydrogeological and hydraulic division of the Central Functional Center in the criticality Bullettin released every day to the Decentralized Functional Centers of the Regions and the Ministries of Interior, Agriculture, Infrastructure and Transport and Environment so that they in turn give information to their operational structures.


\r\nMonitoring and surveillance activities


The Central Functional Center of the Department also carries out hydropluviometric and radarmeteorological monitoring and surveillance activities on the national territory, supporting the Decentralized Functional Centers. In particular, it provides for the collection and integration of the information produced by the existing meteorological radar systems on the national territory.





\r\n"},"field_data":"2018-01-10T10:42:00+01:00","field_categoria_primaria":"approfondimento","field_codice_lingua":true,"fields":{"slug":"/meteo-hydro/activities/central-functional-centre/"},"relationships":{"field_sottodominio":{"name":"Rischi"},"field_immagine_anteprima":null,"field_immagine_dettaglio":null}},{"__typename":"node__approfondimento","title":"National weather vigilance bulletins","field_titolo_esteso":"National weather vigilance bulletins","body":{"processed":"

The national weather vigilance bulletin is a tool of informative connective of all the functional peripheral centres that signals relevant weather phenomena for civil protection purposes expected up to the midnight of the day of issuance, for the 24 hours of the following day, and also the tendency of the day after. The document is published each day at 3 p.m. on our website. 


The national weather vigilance bulletin is a tool of informative connective of all the functional peripheral centres that signals relevant weather phenomena for civil protection purposes expected up to the midnight of the day of issuance, for the 24 hours of the following day, and also the tendency of the day after. The document is published each day at 3 p.m. on our website. 


Avalanches are a critical event due to a sudden loss of stability in the snow on a slope and subsequent sliding of a portion of the snowpack involved by the fracture, valley-wards. 


Detachment may either be spontaneous or induced. In the first case, the avalanche may be caused by factors such as the weight of fresh snow or a rise in temperatures. 


Induced detachment instead may be of two types: accidental, as happens with people walking or skiing on a slope covered with fresh snow who unintentionally cause an avalanche by their weight, or else programmed, occurring in skiing areas when dangerous slopes are cleared with explosives. The danger of avalanches is closely linked with tourists in the mountains and, therefore, with greater exposure of people, buildings, and facilities at risk. Classifying avalanches is not accessible due to the numerous variables coming into play: type of detachment, type of snow, the position of the slip plane, etc. 


Types of avalanches. We have a surface layer avalanche when a fracture occurs in the snowpack, while we talk about deep-seated avalanches when this happens at terrain level. Avalanches can also be skimming, i.e., in contact with the surface or forming clouds, usually of dry snow. 


Causes. Avalanches can either be spontaneous or induced. There are different causes, but in any case, it is referable to the low cohesion force of the snow mass, causing relevant detachment. A superficial layer of snow lasting for a long time, warmer spring temperatures, and the action of relatively heavy rainfalls all contribute towards detachment. 
\nPredicting an avalanche is no easy task, as often there are no forewarning signs before it starts to slide down. However, areas prone to avalanches are known with particular precision and hazardous situations are reported through the so-called “avalanche bulletins.” 


Prevention. The measures to implement in the event of risk of an avalanche mainly consist of knowing which areas are involved by these phenomena: they are almost always in the same places: high mountain areas with steep bare rock faces, between 2,000 and 3,000 meters, moreover not covered by vegetation.
\nIt is crucial to avoid these areas where these detachments are predicted, which are frequent in early spring when an increase in temperatures could suffice to cause the mass of snow to start melting suddenly. 


Avalanches are a critical event due to a sudden loss of stability in the snow on a slope and subsequent sliding of a portion of the snowpack involved by the fracture, valley-wards. 


Detachment may either be spontaneous or induced. In the first case, the avalanche may be caused by factors such as the weight of fresh snow or a rise in temperatures. 


Induced detachment instead may be of two types: accidental, as happens with people walking or skiing on a slope covered with fresh snow who unintentionally cause an avalanche by their weight, or else programmed, occurring in skiing areas when dangerous slopes are cleared with explosives. The danger of avalanches is closely linked with tourists in the mountains and, therefore, with greater exposure of people, buildings, and facilities at risk. Classifying avalanches is not accessible due to the numerous variables coming into play: type of detachment, type of snow, the position of the slip plane, etc. 


Types of avalanches. We have a surface layer avalanche when a fracture occurs in the snowpack, while we talk about deep-seated avalanches when this happens at terrain level. Avalanches can also be skimming, i.e., in contact with the surface or forming clouds, usually of dry snow. 


Causes. Avalanches can either be spontaneous or induced. There are different causes, but in any case, it is referable to the low cohesion force of the snow mass, causing relevant detachment. A superficial layer of snow lasting for a long time, warmer spring temperatures, and the action of relatively heavy rainfalls all contribute towards detachment. 
\r\nPredicting an avalanche is no easy task, as often there are no forewarning signs before it starts to slide down. However, areas prone to avalanches are known with particular precision and hazardous situations are reported through the so-called “avalanche bulletins.” 


Prevention. The measures to implement in the event of risk of an avalanche mainly consist of knowing which areas are involved by these phenomena: they are almost always in the same places: high mountain areas with steep bare rock faces, between 2,000 and 3,000 meters, moreover not covered by vegetation.
\r\nIt is crucial to avoid these areas where these detachments are predicted, which are frequent in early spring when an increase in temperatures could suffice to cause the mass of snow to start melting suddenly. 

\r\n"},"relationships":{"field_immagine":null,"field_video":null,"field_link_interni":[{"__typename":"node__approfondimento","title":"Network of Functional Centres","field_titolo_esteso":"Network of Functional Centres","body":{"processed":"

The network of functional centers consists of the Central Functional Center, located at the Department of Civil Protection, and decentralized functional centers located in the regions and autonomous provinces. Each functional center focuses on forecasting, monitoring and surveillance of weather phenomena in real time with the consequent assessment of the expected effects on people and things in a given territory, contributing, together with the Department of Civil Protection and the Regions, to the management of the National Alerting System.


The activity of the network of functional centers. Each functional center has the task of collecting and sharing with the entire network of Centers a series of data and information from different technological platforms and a dense network of sensors placed on the national territory. Specifically:


On the basis of these data and modelling, the Functional Centres elaborate the probabilistically expected scenarios, also through the use of forecasting models of the effects on the territory. On the basis of these evaluations, the Functional Centres issue bulletins and warnings in which both the evolution of the phenomena and the expected criticality levels on the territory are reported.


The Central Functional Center. The Central Functional Center is located at the operational headquarters of the Department of Civil Protection, and it is through it that the Department, together with the Regions, ensures the coordination of the national warning system. In addition, consistent with the principle of subsidiarity, in cases where the decentralized functional centers are not active or are temporarily not operational, the Central Functional Center performs all operational tasks assigned to them.


The network of functional centers consists of the Central Functional Center, located at the Department of Civil Protection, and decentralized functional centers located in the regions and autonomous provinces. Each functional center focuses on forecasting, monitoring and surveillance of weather phenomena in real time with the consequent assessment of the expected effects on people and things in a given territory, contributing, together with the Department of Civil Protection and the Regions, to the management of the National Alerting System.


The activity of the network of functional centers. Each functional center has the task of collecting and sharing with the entire network of Centers a series of data and information from different technological platforms and a dense network of sensors placed on the national territory. Specifically:


On the basis of these data and modelling, the Functional Centres elaborate the probabilistically expected scenarios, also through the use of forecasting models of the effects on the territory. On the basis of these evaluations, the Functional Centres issue bulletins and warnings in which both the evolution of the phenomena and the expected criticality levels on the territory are reported.


The Central Functional Center. The Central Functional Center is located at the operational headquarters of the Department of Civil Protection, and it is through it that the Department, together with the Regions, ensures the coordination of the national warning system. In addition, consistent with the principle of subsidiarity, in cases where the decentralized functional centers are not active or are temporarily not operational, the Central Functional Center performs all operational tasks assigned to them.


Il Centro funzionale centrale e i Centri funzionali decentrati nelle Regioni e nelle Province autonome


Il Centro funzionale centrale e i Centri funzionali decentrati nelle Regioni e nelle Province autonome

\r\n"},"field_data":"2018-02-20T14:52:00+01:00","field_categoria_primaria":"approfondimento","field_codice_lingua":true,"fields":{"slug":"/approfondimento/network-functional-centres/"},"relationships":{"field_sottodominio":{"name":"Servizio Nazionale"},"field_immagine_anteprima":null,"field_immagine_dettaglio":null}},{"__typename":"node__approfondimento","title":"Central Functional Centre","field_titolo_esteso":"Central Functional Centre","body":{"processed":"

The activation of the Central Functional Centre is provided for by the Directive of 27 February 2004 that sets out the \"Operational guidelines for the organizational and functional management of the national, state and regional warning system for hydrogeological and hydraulic risk for the purposes of civil protection\". The structure is located in Rome, at the operational headquarters of the Department of Civil Protection.




\nIt performs both forecasting activities, monitoring and surveillance of meteo-hydrogeological and hydraulic events and their impact on the territory so as to define risk scenarios, or to assess the impact that these events could have on the integrity of life, property, settlements and environment.  The Central Functional Centre plays a leading role in the general coordination of the network of Functional Centers and can replace the tasks and functions of inactive decentralized functional centers, on request of concerned regions.


Forecasting activities


\nThe Central Functional Center is operational 24/7 and is divided into a weather sector and a hydrogeological and hydraulic sector. In particular, it produces weather forecasts for civil protection purposes. Specifically forecasts of weather phenomena that may have an impact on the territory (for hydrogeological or hydraulic risk, or for situations concerning road and sea traffic) or on the population. Accordingly, the Bulletin of National Meteorological Vigilance is produced every day. A document that reports the situations in which one or more meteorological parameters are expected to exceed certain thresholds of attention or alarm. When the forecasts indicate phenomena of particular relevance at supra-regional level, considering the evaluations of decentralized functional centers, the weather division of the Central Functional Center releases national weather warnings. 


\nEach Functional Center performs an assessment of the possible occurrence, or evolve, of effects on the ground (landslides and floods) as a result of expected or ongoing weather events. These evaluations are concerted and collected by the hydrogeological and hydraulic division of the Central Functional Center in the criticality Bullettin released every day to the Decentralized Functional Centers of the Regions and the Ministries of Interior, Agriculture, Infrastructure and Transport and Environment so that they in turn give information to their operational structures.


Monitoring and surveillance activities


The Central Functional Center of the Department also carries out hydropluviometric and radarmeteorological monitoring and surveillance activities on the national territory, supporting the Decentralized Functional Centers. In particular, it provides for the collection and integration of the information produced by the existing meteorological radar systems on the national territory.


The activation of the Central Functional Centre is provided for by the Directive of 27 February 2004 that sets out the \"Operational guidelines for the organizational and functional management of the national, state and regional warning system for hydrogeological and hydraulic risk for the purposes of civil protection\". The structure is located in Rome, at the operational headquarters of the Department of Civil Protection.




\r\nIt performs both forecasting activities, monitoring and surveillance of meteo-hydrogeological and hydraulic events and their impact on the territory so as to define risk scenarios, or to assess the impact that these events could have on the integrity of life, property, settlements and environment.  The Central Functional Centre plays a leading role in the general coordination of the network of Functional Centers and can replace the tasks and functions of inactive decentralized functional centers, on request of concerned regions.


\r\nForecasting activities


\r\nThe Central Functional Center is operational 24/7 and is divided into a weather sector and a hydrogeological and hydraulic sector. In particular, it produces weather forecasts for civil protection purposes. Specifically forecasts of weather phenomena that may have an impact on the territory (for hydrogeological or hydraulic risk, or for situations concerning road and sea traffic) or on the population. Accordingly, the Bulletin of National Meteorological Vigilance is produced every day. A document that reports the situations in which one or more meteorological parameters are expected to exceed certain thresholds of attention or alarm. When the forecasts indicate phenomena of particular relevance at supra-regional level, considering the evaluations of decentralized functional centers, the weather division of the Central Functional Center releases national weather warnings. 


\r\nEach Functional Center performs an assessment of the possible occurrence, or evolve, of effects on the ground (landslides and floods) as a result of expected or ongoing weather events. These evaluations are concerted and collected by the hydrogeological and hydraulic division of the Central Functional Center in the criticality Bullettin released every day to the Decentralized Functional Centers of the Regions and the Ministries of Interior, Agriculture, Infrastructure and Transport and Environment so that they in turn give information to their operational structures.


\r\nMonitoring and surveillance activities


The Central Functional Center of the Department also carries out hydropluviometric and radarmeteorological monitoring and surveillance activities on the national territory, supporting the Decentralized Functional Centers. In particular, it provides for the collection and integration of the information produced by the existing meteorological radar systems on the national territory.





\r\n"},"field_data":"2018-01-10T10:42:00+01:00","field_categoria_primaria":"approfondimento","field_codice_lingua":true,"fields":{"slug":"/meteo-hydro/activities/central-functional-centre/"},"relationships":{"field_sottodominio":{"name":"Rischi"},"field_immagine_anteprima":null,"field_immagine_dettaglio":null}},{"__typename":"node__approfondimento","title":"In the event of avalanche","field_titolo_esteso":"In the event of avalanche","body":{"processed":"

Preventing avalanche risk is primarily about knowing which areas could be affected by the phenomena. Avalanches occur almost always in the same places: high mountain areas with rocky mountain soil, between 2,000 and 3,000 meters lacking vegetation cover. It is important to avoid areas at risk when avalanches are expected, which are frequent in early spring when rising temperatures may cause sudden melting of snow masses.


Before the avalanche
\n• Ask the company operating the facilities about the conditions of the snow and slopes;
\n• Frequently consult the snow meteorological bulletins that give condensed information on danger of avalanches, using a numeric scale going from 1 to 5;
\n• Never be on your own: to be able to save yourselves, it is essential for at least one of the group to remain unharmed by the avalanche;
\n• Keep to the signs, notices and information put up along the ski runs on the conditions of the alpine ski and free descent routes;
\n• Avoid going across steep slopes with deep snow, especially at the warmest time of the day;
\n• Avoid going through risky areas such as open slopes, gullies and downwind areas.
\n• Use the most secure places on the ground, such as rocks and flat stretches, to move about;
\n• Equip yourself with an avalanche transceiver or beacon (ARVA), with a light probe to identify exactly where a person is buried, and a spade to be able to remove the snow rapidly: in most cases people are buried at a depth of around a metre. Everyone in the group should have this equipment.


During an avalanche
\n• Remember that with avalanches the snow tends to accumulate at the centre so it may be easier to find an escape route along the edges;
\n• Try to keep a free space in front of your chest;
\n• Move arms and legs as if you were swimming to try and reach the edge of the avalanche and to remain on the surface.


Preventing avalanche risk is primarily about knowing which areas could be affected by the phenomena. Avalanches occur almost always in the same places: high mountain areas with rocky mountain soil, between 2,000 and 3,000 meters lacking vegetation cover. It is important to avoid areas at risk when avalanches are expected, which are frequent in early spring when rising temperatures may cause sudden melting of snow masses.


Before the avalanche
\r\n• Ask the company operating the facilities about the conditions of the snow and slopes;
\r\n• Frequently consult the snow meteorological bulletins that give condensed information on danger of avalanches, using a numeric scale going from 1 to 5;
\r\n• Never be on your own: to be able to save yourselves, it is essential for at least one of the group to remain unharmed by the avalanche;
\r\n• Keep to the signs, notices and information put up along the ski runs on the conditions of the alpine ski and free descent routes;
\r\n• Avoid going across steep slopes with deep snow, especially at the warmest time of the day;
\r\n• Avoid going through risky areas such as open slopes, gullies and downwind areas.
\r\n• Use the most secure places on the ground, such as rocks and flat stretches, to move about;
\r\n• Equip yourself with an avalanche transceiver or beacon (ARVA), with a light probe to identify exactly where a person is buried, and a spade to be able to remove the snow rapidly: in most cases people are buried at a depth of around a metre. Everyone in the group should have this equipment.
\r\nDuring an avalanche
\r\n• Remember that with avalanches the snow tends to accumulate at the centre so it may be easier to find an escape route along the edges;
\r\n• Try to keep a free space in front of your chest;
\r\n• Move arms and legs as if you were swimming to try and reach the edge of the avalanche and to remain on the surface.

\r\n"},"field_abstract":null,"field_data":"2016-07-31T12:28:00+02:00","field_categoria_primaria":"approfondimento","field_codice_lingua":true,"fields":{"slug":"/approfondimento/event-avalanche/"},"relationships":{"field_sottodominio":{"name":"Portale"},"field_immagine_anteprima":null,"field_immagine_dettaglio":null}}]},"drupal_internal__id":16354},{"field_titolo":"Winds and sea storms","field_tabella":null,"field_testo":{"processed":"

In particular meteorological situations, in atmospheric layers close to the ground, intense currents are activated, which may persist more or less for a long time, sometimes for as long as 24 or 48 hours, over vast areas of the national territory, giving rise to strong winds on land and the simultaneous increase of wave motion over the seas. 


In addition, when a particular area is affected by thunderclouds, intense vertical currents are activated within them, both in an ascending and descending direction; when these currents reach the ground, they spread out horizontally, following the conformation of the ground, giving rise to sudden shifts in the surrounding air mass, activating intense wind gusts. This is why, during thunderstorms, the wind blows irregularly and discontinuously, in gusts, intensifying suddenly and striking generally with intermittent and short-lasting stretches. 


In the case of strong winds, additional sudden and impulsive gusts that are generally irregular and discontinuous may occur for intermittent stretches of shorter or longer duration. Indirect effects typically represent the most severe dangers with intense winds if one is struck by objects suddenly hurled down by gusts (branches, roof tiles, vases, light poles, road signs, billboards, scaffolding, etc. ), which, depending on the intensity, can move larger or smaller and heavier objects, even to the point of knocking down entire trees or uncovering entire roofs in the most severe cases. 


In particular meteorological situations, in atmospheric layers close to the ground, intense currents are activated, which may persist more or less for a long time, sometimes for as long as 24 or 48 hours, over vast areas of the national territory, giving rise to strong winds on land and the simultaneous increase of wave motion over the seas. 


In addition, when a particular area is affected by thunderclouds, intense vertical currents are activated within them, both in an ascending and descending direction; when these currents reach the ground, they spread out horizontally, following the conformation of the ground, giving rise to sudden shifts in the surrounding air mass, activating intense wind gusts. This is why, during thunderstorms, the wind blows irregularly and discontinuously, in gusts, intensifying suddenly and striking generally with intermittent and short-lasting stretches. 


In the case of strong winds, additional sudden and impulsive gusts that are generally irregular and discontinuous may occur for intermittent stretches of shorter or longer duration. Indirect effects typically represent the most severe dangers with intense winds if one is struck by objects suddenly hurled down by gusts (branches, roof tiles, vases, light poles, road signs, billboards, scaffolding, etc. ), which, depending on the intensity, can move larger or smaller and heavier objects, even to the point of knocking down entire trees or uncovering entire roofs in the most severe cases. 

\r\n"},"relationships":{"field_immagine":null,"field_video":null,"field_link_interni":[{"__typename":"node__approfondimento","title":"Network of Functional Centres","field_titolo_esteso":"Network of Functional Centres","body":{"processed":"

The network of functional centers consists of the Central Functional Center, located at the Department of Civil Protection, and decentralized functional centers located in the regions and autonomous provinces. Each functional center focuses on forecasting, monitoring and surveillance of weather phenomena in real time with the consequent assessment of the expected effects on people and things in a given territory, contributing, together with the Department of Civil Protection and the Regions, to the management of the National Alerting System.


The activity of the network of functional centers. Each functional center has the task of collecting and sharing with the entire network of Centers a series of data and information from different technological platforms and a dense network of sensors placed on the national territory. Specifically:


On the basis of these data and modelling, the Functional Centres elaborate the probabilistically expected scenarios, also through the use of forecasting models of the effects on the territory. On the basis of these evaluations, the Functional Centres issue bulletins and warnings in which both the evolution of the phenomena and the expected criticality levels on the territory are reported.


The Central Functional Center. The Central Functional Center is located at the operational headquarters of the Department of Civil Protection, and it is through it that the Department, together with the Regions, ensures the coordination of the national warning system. In addition, consistent with the principle of subsidiarity, in cases where the decentralized functional centers are not active or are temporarily not operational, the Central Functional Center performs all operational tasks assigned to them.


The network of functional centers consists of the Central Functional Center, located at the Department of Civil Protection, and decentralized functional centers located in the regions and autonomous provinces. Each functional center focuses on forecasting, monitoring and surveillance of weather phenomena in real time with the consequent assessment of the expected effects on people and things in a given territory, contributing, together with the Department of Civil Protection and the Regions, to the management of the National Alerting System.


The activity of the network of functional centers. Each functional center has the task of collecting and sharing with the entire network of Centers a series of data and information from different technological platforms and a dense network of sensors placed on the national territory. Specifically:


On the basis of these data and modelling, the Functional Centres elaborate the probabilistically expected scenarios, also through the use of forecasting models of the effects on the territory. On the basis of these evaluations, the Functional Centres issue bulletins and warnings in which both the evolution of the phenomena and the expected criticality levels on the territory are reported.


The Central Functional Center. The Central Functional Center is located at the operational headquarters of the Department of Civil Protection, and it is through it that the Department, together with the Regions, ensures the coordination of the national warning system. In addition, consistent with the principle of subsidiarity, in cases where the decentralized functional centers are not active or are temporarily not operational, the Central Functional Center performs all operational tasks assigned to them.


Il Centro funzionale centrale e i Centri funzionali decentrati nelle Regioni e nelle Province autonome


Il Centro funzionale centrale e i Centri funzionali decentrati nelle Regioni e nelle Province autonome

\r\n"},"field_data":"2018-02-20T14:52:00+01:00","field_categoria_primaria":"approfondimento","field_codice_lingua":true,"fields":{"slug":"/approfondimento/network-functional-centres/"},"relationships":{"field_sottodominio":{"name":"Servizio Nazionale"},"field_immagine_anteprima":null,"field_immagine_dettaglio":null}},{"__typename":"node__approfondimento","title":"In the event of winds and sea storms","field_titolo_esteso":"In the event of winds and sea storms","body":{"processed":"



•  Avoid exposed areas, reaching a repaired position from the possible detachment of exposed or suspended objects and the resulting fall of even small and relatively light objects, such as a vase or tile;
\n•  Avoid green areas and tree-lined roads. The most frequent injury related to wind gusts involves breaking branches, even large ones, which can either directly affect people or cause them to fall and dangerously obstruct roads, posing a danger to motorcyclists.


In urban areas


•  While driving, pay particular attention to gusts because they tend to cause the vehicle to swerve; thus, it is essential to moderate speed or stop;
\n•  Please pay particular attention to exposed road sections, such as those exiting tunnels and viaducts; the most prone to danger are vans, sheeted vehicles, and caravans, which expose a large area to the gusts and can be moved by the wind, even when the wind intensity does not reach very high peaks.


Overall, all mobile structures are at risk, especially those involving tarps or tents, such as scaffolding, gazebos, and temporary outdoor exhibition or commercial structures, of which the tightness and insurance must be checked.


In coastal areas


In coastal areas, strong winds are accompanied by the risk of sea storms, mainly if the wind is perpendicular to the coast. Therefore:


•  Pay extreme caution when approaching the shoreline or driving along coastal roads;
\n•  Avoid standing on coastal roads and especially on piers and jetties;
\n•  Avoid bathing and using boats, and preemptively secure boats and structures on beaches and port areas.


At home


• Appropriately arrange and secure all objects in your home or workplace exposed to gusts (pots and other objects on windowsills or balconies, antennas or precariously arranged roof coverings, etc.).




•  Avoid exposed areas, reaching a repaired position from the possible detachment of exposed or suspended objects and the resulting fall of even small and relatively light objects, such as a vase or tile;
\r\n•  Avoid green areas and tree-lined roads. The most frequent injury related to wind gusts involves breaking branches, even large ones, which can either directly affect people or cause them to fall and dangerously obstruct roads, posing a danger to motorcyclists.


In urban areas


•  While driving, pay particular attention to gusts because they tend to cause the vehicle to swerve; thus, it is essential to moderate speed or stop;
\r\n•  Please pay particular attention to exposed road sections, such as those exiting tunnels and viaducts; the most prone to danger are vans, sheeted vehicles, and caravans, which expose a large area to the gusts and can be moved by the wind, even when the wind intensity does not reach very high peaks.


Overall, all mobile structures are at risk, especially those involving tarps or tents, such as scaffolding, gazebos, and temporary outdoor exhibition or commercial structures, of which the tightness and insurance must be checked.


In coastal areas


In coastal areas, strong winds are accompanied by the risk of sea storms, mainly if the wind is perpendicular to the coast. Therefore:


•  Pay extreme caution when approaching the shoreline or driving along coastal roads;
\r\n•  Avoid standing on coastal roads and especially on piers and jetties;
\r\n•  Avoid bathing and using boats, and preemptively secure boats and structures on beaches and port areas.


At home


• Appropriately arrange and secure all objects in your home or workplace exposed to gusts (pots and other objects on windowsills or balconies, antennas or precariously arranged roof coverings, etc.).

\r\n"},"field_abstract":null,"field_data":"2018-02-09T13:45:28+01:00","field_categoria_primaria":"approfondimento","field_codice_lingua":true,"fields":{"slug":"/approfondimento/event-winds-and-sea-storms/"},"relationships":{"field_sottodominio":{"name":"Portale"},"field_immagine_anteprima":null,"field_immagine_dettaglio":null}}]},"drupal_internal__id":16355}],"field_tab":[],"field_immagine_dettaglio":{"field_alt":"Fenomeno Rischio Meteo-Idro","field_didascalia":"Fenomeno Rischio Meteo-Idro","field_titolo_esteso":"Fenomeno Rischio Meteo-Idro","relationships":{"image":{"localFile":{"publicURL":"/static/1b83419c0060546a66925a28f4d54720/meteo-fen-eng.jpg","childImageSharp":{"fluid":{"aspectRatio":1.5027322404371584,"src":"/static/1b83419c0060546a66925a28f4d54720/7bc87/meteo-fen-eng.jpg","srcSet":"/static/1b83419c0060546a66925a28f4d54720/cf463/meteo-fen-eng.jpg 275w,\n/static/1b83419c0060546a66925a28f4d54720/7bc87/meteo-fen-eng.jpg 376w","sizes":"(max-width: 376px) 100vw, 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